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One night when you’re eating dinner, think about the changes in different foods and drinks and discuss them with your children.


What foods change when they are cooked?

What foods change when they are frozen?

For example, spaghetti or macaroni noodles are hard, but when cooked, they become soft and yummy! Frozen water becomes ice. Frozen Kool-Aid changes to popsicles, and most vegetables become soft when cooked.

Read Romans 12:2. God’s Word changes us. We look the same on the outside, but God and His Word change us on the inside. When we spend time reading the Bible, we become more like Jesus. Ask for God’s help to follow Jesus’ example every day.

Planted in Good Soil

Items needed:

  • Packet of seeds
  • Flowerpots
  • Soil

Plant some seeds and talk about the transforming power of God’s Word.


What is going to happen to our seeds if they receive water, sunshine, and nutrients from the soil? (grow, change into a flower, etc.)

Jesus said the Word of God is like a seed. It has everything we need to help us grow into a strong Christian. The Bible is God’s truth and contains all we need to grow to be more like Jesus. It can help us learn how to get to Heaven, to be a good friend, to forgive our enemies, and to grow in love.

Just as we must plant the seed in good soil, we must also pay attention to it. We must water it and give it sunlight. If we neglect the plant, it will wither and die. We must pay attention to God’s Word. We must read it, think about it, do what it says…then it will change us, and others can see our love for God through our actions.

Don’t Conform

Items Needed:

  • Play-Doh
  • Cookie cutters/molds

Gather your children and spend some time playing with Play-Doh.

After several minutes, ask:

What shape was your Play-Doh when you started playing?

What shape was your Play-Doh when you used the cookie cutters and molds?

Play-Doh takes the shape of the cookie cutter or mold we are using. We call this conforming. To conform means to shape something to be like something else. Sometimes people change their behavior depending on who they are with.

God gives us the best example of who we should be like in His Son, Jesus. Let’s try to follow the example of Jesus this week and let the Bible change us, making our thoughts and actions more like His. We can pray and ask the Lord to help us not conform.