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What Is Wisdom?

Items Needed:

  • Index cards

God is the author of wisdom. We must follow His plan for our lives and live wisely.

Do a wisdom search. Write each letter of the word wisdom on an index card or piece of paper—you might even want to make a different colored set for each kid to find. After all the letters have been found, unscramble the letters to discover the MOST important thing we can find.

We build a meaningful life through respect for God and obedience to His Word. When we do these things, we are living wisely. Wisdom comes by recognizing the greatness of God and understanding that He is in charge and knows what is best.

A wise person recognizes that within himself, he does not know the best way, so he seeks God’s thoughts and ways.

Can You Guess?

Items Needed:

  • Bible
  • Bag or box

Place a Bible inside a bag or box so children can’t see it. Play 20 Questions to allow your children a chance to guess what is in the bag. (Hint: It is something that helps you find wisdom.) Hold up the bag and invite children to ask 20 yes or no questions to see if they can guess what is in the bag.

God’s Word is full of His commands. We are to read His Word and obey His commands. Jesus gives our life meaning. A life spent worshiping God is a meaningful life.

Where to Get It?

There are four ways to get wisdom. We can:

  • Read the Bible
  • Pray for wisdom
  • Listen to wise people
  • Follow God’s commands

Teach your children these hand motions to help them learn these.
Read the Bible: Open hands with palms up to make a Bible.
Pray for wisdom: Hold hands together as if praying.
Listen to wise people: Put hands behind ears.
Follow God’s commands: Walk in place.

Throughout the week, ask the children to name all four ways—sometimes using the hand motions and sometimes the words. As the week goes by, see how quickly they can do it.