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God Delivers His People

Picture Time! Items Needed: Pictures, photo albums, etc. Students began new lessons on the life of Moses and Israel’s deliverance from slavery. Drag out the baby pictures and talk about each child’s birth. (A few questions to jog your memory: How did you feel when...


Float the Boat Items Needed: variety of household and craft items, sink or tub, water Experiment with making boats that can float. Look around the house for items to make a boat (egg cartons, milk cartons, cereal boxes, straws, ribbon, cans, plastic water bottles,...

Jesus Died and Rose Again

Let’s Play A Game! Play Good News/Bad News as you are in the car or waiting somewhere. One person will start a story (fictional or real) by giving some good news. The person on their right will add some bad news to the story. The next person will change it up with...

Jesus Comes As King

Join the Parade! What would it have been like to see Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey with people shouting praises to Him? Plan your own parade to celebrate the coming of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Here are some parade planning tips: Throw some...

Heavenly Treasures > Earthly Treasures

Treasure Hunt Items needed: Small pieces of paper, writing utensil, each family member’s favorite snack or candy Write the following words on the pieces of paper: peace, joy, patience, strength, comfort, provision, relationship with God Hide the papers around the room...

Jesus Teaches Forgiveness

God’s Greatest Gift Items Needed: Small wrapped gift (gifts for each child–optional) Wrap a small gift to illustrate the gift God gives to us. (You might want to wrap and give a small gift to each child after you share the object lesson.) Hold out the gift and say, “I...

Jesus Confronts Self-Righteousness

Get Rid Of It! Items Needed: Bowl, flour, packet of yeast or granulated sugar God’s people, the Jews, only eat unleavened bread during Passover. Unleavened bread is bread without yeast. Yeast is the ingredient that allows bread to rise or fluff up. Unleavened bread is...

The Kingdom of Heaven

Fakers Items needed: fake (play) food Serve fake food (borrow from children’s play set) for a meal. Put it in a bowl or on their plates. (Of course, keeping real food hidden somewhere.) Why don’t you want to eat this food? Serve the real food. What’s the difference...

Receiving God’s Word

Planted in Good Soil Items needed: Packet of seeds, flowerpots, soil Plant some seeds (that can later be transplanted into your garden or yard) as a way to talk about how the different kinds of soils (hearts) received the seed (the Word). Some questions to ask: Does...

Jesus Sends His Disciples

Follow the Command Give simple commands for your children to follow. Hop on one foot at least 7 times without putting the other foot down. Rub your belly while at the same time patting your head. Touch something blue (add other colors: red, green, yellow, etc.) For...