God and Man
Read the following verses to your children:
Luke 2:7, 3:23, 10:38, 19:41.
Ask your child what each verse tells us about Jesus as a man (His birth, son of Mary and Joseph, friend, emotional).
Read the following verses to your children:
Luke 1:32, 4:36, 5:13, 24:5b.
Ask your child what each verse tells us about Jesus as God (Son of the Most High, power over demons, power to heal sick, rose from the dead).
Emphasize to your child the Biblical truth that Jesus is both God and man. Close your time answering any questions your child might have and pray together asking God to help you worship Him daily in your thoughts, words, and actions.
Family Worship
Talk to your child about the amazing truth that Jesus is both God and man. Remind them that this is just one reason He deserves our worship. Discuss various ways to worship God (praying, enjoying nature, thanking Him, music, reading His Word).
Allow your child to choose some of their favorite songs, and sing these together as a family. Read some of your favorite verses to your child, and close your time together in prayer thanking God for Who He is and what He has done as both God and man.
Share something about your child that makes them special. Allow others to share as well. Discuss with your child some of the truths of God that make Him special, unlike anyone else (Creator of the world, born as a baby, never sinned, etc.).
We will never be as special as Jesus, but we can follow His example and try to live like He lived as a man. Jesus always obeyed His Father, and we should obey God and His Word too!
Close your time reading John 10:30 and 14:9. Answer any questions your child might have and brainstorm some ways your child can follow the example of Jesus.