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From the team at D6 Family, Splink is a simple way to link your family together spiritually. Each weekly entry provides three free idea-packed activities (called “Splinks”) to help you and your family engage in spiritual conversations.

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God Leads His People

Lights, Camera, Action! Items Needed: Bible, household items to be used as props (optional) Act out the story of the God’s deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptian army. Assign parts (Narrator; Moses with a rod; Israelites; Egyptian army; two people to be the...

God Delivers His People

Picture Time! Items Needed: Pictures, photo albums, etc. Students began new lessons on the life of Moses and Israel’s deliverance from slavery. Drag out the baby pictures and talk about each child’s birth. (A few questions to jog your memory: How did you feel when...


Float the Boat Items Needed: variety of household and craft items, sink or tub, water Experiment with making boats that can float. Look around the house for items to make a boat (egg cartons, milk cartons, cereal boxes, straws, ribbon, cans, plastic water bottles,...