The Great Eight
Jesus taught the people a new way to live in His Sermon on the Mount. He taught the people about the kingdom of God and how to live as a follower of God. Jesus shared eight attitudes we should have, and He tells us when we have these attitudes, we are “blessed.”
Ask: Do you know what it means to be blessed? (It means we have God’s approval and the joy that comes from living in ways that please Him.)
Talk about it: The first attitude Jesus shared was, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.” Being “poor in spirit” means we know we have a great need for God, and we cannot live life without Him.
What blessing comes from this attitude? (kingdom of Heaven) When we recognize our need for Him and ask Him to be our Savior, our reward is living with Him in Heaven!
Together, make a list of the Beatitudes and the blessings each one brings. Write these on a piece of paper and post on the fridge. This list will be a great reminder that our attitudes are very important.
You said WHAT?
Can you say something without any words?
Write the words, respectful and disrespectful on an index card or piece of paper. For younger children, you could pictures (thumbs up/thumbs down, check mark/X). Place these face down so children can’t see the word or picture. Share a situation and ask for two volunteers to choose a card and then act out a response according to the card they chose.
Here are some situations to get you thinking: (I’m sure you can think of some that apply to your house!)
Parent says, “Turn off the TV!”
Teacher says, “You have extra homework tonight.”
Coach says, “You’re on the bench!”
Pastor says, “God wants us to forgive others.”
Mom says, “No snack before dinner.”
Dad says, “Pick up the trash in the yard.”
School bus driver says, “Be quiet!”
Our attitude is reflected in how we respond to the things people say. We can “say” a lot without ever saying a word! Jesus knows how important our attitudes are, and He wants us to live in a way that pleases God. Jesus taught the people a new way to live in His Sermon on the Mount. He taught the people about the kingdom of God and how to live as a follower of God. Jesus shared eight attitudes we should have, and He tells us when we have these attitudes, we are “blessed.” Read Matthew 5:1-12. Let’s pray and ask the Lord to help us with our attitudes!
Watch your attitude!
Explain to your child that you are going to say an attitude and they are to make a facial expression for that attitude. (Suggestions for attitudes include happy, grouchy, worried, peaceful, angry, pouty, excited, and disappointed.)
Ask the following questions and allow the children to respond.
What is your attitude most of the time?
What attitude do you need to work on most?
Have you ever seen someone’s facial expression and had a pretty good idea of his or her attitude or how he or she is feeling?
Many times our attitude is expressed through our facial expressions and the way we move our bodies. Listen to the attitudes that Jesus taught were important. Read Matthew 5: 1-12. As part of God’s family, we should have these attitudes.