How would you feel if…?
Share a simple object lesson with your kids.
Write each of the following instructions on a piece of paper:
Ask Mom or Dad a question.
Tell Mom or Dad about your day.
Go sit by Mom or Dad.
Tell Mom or Dad about your favorite activity.
Allow each child to pick one and take turns completing the assignment.
When your child asks you a question, ignore them.
When they start talking, place your fingers in your ears.
When they sit beside you, move away.
When they tell you about their favorite activity, tell them that you don’t believe them.
Then ask:
How did you feel when I wouldn’t pay attention to you?
How did you feel when I wouldn’t listen to you?
How did you feel when I didn’t want to be near you?
How did you feel when I didn’t believe you?
It hurts to have those we love ignore us. We need to read God’s Word and obey His instructions. Pray together, asking God to help you live as He commands.
Ask your child:
Why is a STOP sign a good thing? Why should we obey the sign? (We could get in a crash if we don’t obey it; It helps keep us safe; It makes the traffic go more smoothly; etc.)
God’s rules protect us from getting hurt and can make our lives much smoother.
Pick a few instructions God gives us in His Word and talk about how they protect us and make our lives better. (Do not steal, Be kind, Forgive others, etc.)
How can keeping these rules protect us? (from getting in trouble; from going to jail; from a guilty conscience; etc.)
How can keeping God’s rules make our lives better? (We will get along with others; we will have a good reputation; others will trust us; etc.)
Follow the Leader
Pair up family members (or friends who are visiting) and appoint one as the leader and the other as the follower. Ask them to stand facing one another and the follower must see how quickly he can do exactly what the leader does (make a face, raise an arm, lift a leg, make a noise, run in place, etc.). After a minute or so, swap roles.
Did you like being the leader or the follower?
What did the follower have to do so he could follow the leader? (He had to watch; he had to pay attention; he had to actually do it; etc.)
God gave His people, the Israelites, leaders to help them follow and obey God. If we are followers of God, then we need to be more like Jesus. Jesus is the best leader we will ever have!