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Go and Find

Play Sardines, a variation of Hide and Seek. Choose one person to hide while everyone else closes their eyes and counts to 25. When the counting is completed, each person searches for the hider. When someone finds the hider, he or she doesn’t say anything but quietly crawls into the hiding spot. Try to wait until no one is nearby before crawling into the space, so the spot can remain a secret.

The hiding place will become more cramped with hiders. (Now you know why the game is called Sardines!) The game ends when the last person finds the “sardines.”

The first one to find the hider gets to be the hider in the next round.

After playing, ask:

What made this a fun game?

How does this game remind us of Jesus’ command to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel (good news) to every creature” (Mark 16:15)?

We must go and find the people who don’t know Jesus, so we can tell them the good news about Jesus and His love. We don’t want to keep the good news hidden!

Too Good NOT to Share

Items Needed:

  • Candy bar, ice cream bar, or food treat for each person in the family

As your family is sitting around watching TV or hanging out, open a special treat and start eating it in front of your kids. (Brag about how good it tastes.) If they ask you for a bite, simply reply, “I wish you could taste how good this is!” Do not share the treat with them.

Ask them:

How did you feel when I ate the treat and didn’t share any with you? (left out; disappointed; sad; hungry for one; etc.)

Say something like:

God wants us to share the good news about Jesus with others so they can have forgiveness and go to Heaven.

How could not sharing the treat be like not sharing the good news about Jesus with others? (If we don’t share God’s love and peace with others, they may feel sad. Others will never know how to go to Heaven if we don’t share this good news with them.)

How can you share the good news about Jesus with others? (Share a testimony of how you prayed to receive Jesus; invite them to church; pray with and for them; invite them to church; etc.)

Encourage your children to be bold. Tell them it’s not like you’re asking these people to go to the dentist with you. You are sharing the best news in the world! Praying for and with your child can be another way for them to gain courage.

Give each person their own treat!

Prayer, Care, Share

Do three things to help people know about Jesus.

Think of people you know who are not yet believers in Jesus. Write each of the words, Prayer, Care, and Share on a separate index card or piece of paper. Using each of the cards, brainstorm ways you can help others to become part of God’s family.

Prayer: Pray for them by name. We can tell them the good news, but only God can save someone.


  • that they will be convinced they are sinners.
  • that they will understand the truth about Jesus.
  • for a chance to share the good news about Jesus with them.


Be kind to them. Listen. Be a good friend to them. Make a treat (cookies, brownies, etc.) to share with them. Invite them on an outing with you. Offer to help them in some way.


Review the truths one needs to believe. Share them with each other first. Then actually ask, “Can I share some good news with you?”

Truths to know:

  • God loves you (John 3:16).
  • All have sinned and gone their own way (Romans 3:23).
  • Jesus died for your sins (Romans 5:8).
  • Believe in Jesus and receive Him into your life (John 1:12).