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Obey and Reward

Items Needed:

  • Paper
  • Bible
  • Marker

Write each of the following Bible verses on a piece of paper: Ephesians 6:1; Ephesians 4:32; Philippians 4:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Ephesians 4:29.

Write each of the following rewards on a piece of paper: Stay up 30 minutes later; play a game together; skip a chore; pick 3 books to read; pick your favorite dessert; etc.).

Read one verse each morning at breakfast and challenge the children to obey the command in the verse that day. Try to catch them obeying the verse and talk about how they did every night at dinner. If they have done well, allow them to pick a reward card.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

If you have young children, play “I Say, You Obey” to practice obeying. Give them a simple task (put your shoes in your room; put your toy on the shelf; take your plate to the sink; wash your hands; etc.) to do. If they obey right away, put a happy face sticker on a chart, or just say, “It makes me smile when I say and you obey.” (Make a BIG deal out of it!)

God is glad when we obey!

Follow those rules!

Items Needed:

  • Bible
  • Marker
  • Paper

Jesus is in charge and made good rules. Where do we find His rules? (The Bible)

What do you think we should do when we learn about God’s rules? (Obey them.)

Write each of the following Bible references, which include some rules to obey, on a slip of paper and put them in a bag or basket:

Ephesians 4:25 (Speak truth.)

Ephesians 4:32 (Be kind and forgive.)

Ephesians 6:1 (Obey your parents.)

Matthew 22:39 (Love your neighbor.)

Invite a family member to pick a slip of paper and then act out the rule to obey while others will try to guess it.

Jesus knows what is best for us and His rules help us get along with others better.