Rock Solid
Items Needed:
- Rocks
- Colorful permanent markers
Ask the children to go outside and find a rock they like. (Needs to be larger than a pebble, about the size of their hand)
The rock you chose is a reminder that God’s promises are strong and give us hope.
God kept many promises that we can read about in the Bible. How are God’s promises like a rock? (They are strong and definite, not constantly changing; they last a long time; they are strong enough to build on, etc.)
Write a message, the word hope, or a Bible verse on the rock with a permanent marker and encourage the children to keep it in their room as a reminder that God’s promises give us hope.
Here are some good promise verses (Hebrews 13:5b; Psalm 27:1; Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 31:3).
Promises, Promises
Items Needed:
- Index cards
- Markers
- Notecards
- Play money
Write the four promises below on index cards and lay them face down. Allow your children to take turns turning one over. Enjoy an activity together to help you remember each promise.
Promises and Activities:
- God promises to love His people./Make a card for someone.
- God promises to shepherd His people./Play Follow the Leader together.
- God promises to redeem His people./Find hidden play money.
- God promises to strengthen His people./Exercise together.
Close your time in prayer, thanking God for His promises and the hope they bring and asking Him to help each of you trust Him more.
For Our Protection
Items Needed:
- Cookie sheet
- Paper wads or socks
God wants us to trust in Him and His promises. Our trust in Him and love for Him should lead us to follow His directions and trust His promises. The Israelites often chose disobedience over obedience to God. God’s rules for them were for their protection. When they chose sin, they wandered outside of God’s protection.
Play a game with your children allowing someone to use the cookie sheet as a shield while the others throw the paper wads or socks at them. Allow everyone to have a turn using the shield.
Close your time in prayer, thanking God for His promises and asking Him to help each of you trust His promises and choose obedience to His Word.