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Happy Birthday!

Items Needed:

  • Party supplies
  • Nativity

Host a birthday party for Jesus. Involve the whole family – plan games, make a birthday cake or cupcakes with candles, sing “Happy Birthday” and celebrate Jesus’ birth into the world.

A simple game to play at Christmas is hide and seek. Ask for two volunteers – a hider and a seeker. Send the seeker out of the room. The hider will then hide a piece of the nativity set (make sure everyone sees where it is hidden). Bring the finder back in and sing Christmas songs to help him find the hidden piece (sing louder when he is closer to it; sing quieter when he is far from it). When the object is found, pick a new hider and seeker and continue playing.

You’ve Been Socked!

Items Needed:

  • Stockings
  • Bowls
  • Candy
  • Spoons
  • Stocking stuffers
  • Notecard
  • Marker

Continue the Christmas celebration throughout the week. Play a Christmas stocking relay. Hang two Christmas stockings on one side of the room and put two bowls of small, wrapped candies on the opposite side. Divide into two teams and line up behind a designated spot. Give the first person on each team a spoon. At the signal to go, see which team can empty their bowl and fill their stocking with candy. Divide candy between team members and enjoy.

After playing the relay, talk to your children about the blessing of giving to others. As a family, fill a Christmas stocking with goodies—small candies or treats, small toys, pencils, etc. Write a simple note saying, “You’ve been socked! Enjoy this treat from us!” Hang it on a someone’s door, ring the doorbell, and then run and hide so they don’t see you.

God is the great gift-giver! John 3:16 says He loved us, so He gave. Let’s be givers too!

The Story Never Gets Old!

Review the Christmas story with your children. Assign parts (Mary, Joseph, angel, shepherds, sheep, donkey, etc.) and read the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20 while the characters act out their parts. Video the “performance” as it will be fun to watch over and over again.

What should we say when someone gives us a gift? (Thank you.)

God gave us a wonderful gift when He sent Jesus into the world.

Say a special prayer to thank God for His great gift!