Take a Guess!
Items Needed:
- Pen
- Small pieces of paper
Write down several things to describe to your children, one on each piece of paper. Fold the papers so the words aren’t visible. Choose one and see if your children can guess what you are describing. For example, say, “I am thinking of something that is green, loves to eat flies, and hops.” You might want to give your children a chance to get you to guess too.
After playing the guessing game, talk to your children about how the Bible tells us about Jesus. Remind them that we don’t have to guess who Jesus is or what He is like. The Bible tells us everything we need to know.
Close your time together in prayer, thanking God for the gift of His Son Jesus.
Ideas to describe: bumble bee, snowman, pizza, bicycle, trampoline, ice cream, birthday cake, pig, flower, Jesus
Best and Worst
Give your children a category and ask them to name the best and worst (in their opinion) in that category. Allow them to give you a category to offer your best and worst. After playing a few rounds, talk to your child about how Jesus is the very best. He is better than anything and above all!
Suggested categories: ice cream, movie, color, vegetable, weather, dessert, pizza topping, cookie, pet, soft drink
Tell Me About Jesus
Item Needed: Bible
Ask your children to tell you some things they know about Jesus. Then ask them how they know those things.
The best way to know about Jesus is through the Bible, God’s words to us. Read some verses about Jesus. Better yet, let the children help you look up and read these verses: Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:40, Philippians 2:7-8, and Hebrews 4:15.