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Be Real

Items Needed: Real and fake items

Send your children on a hunt to find something real and something fake (real and fake flower; real and plastic piece of fruit; real and fake money, etc.)

Which would you rather have – the fake one or the real one? Why?

Paul told a young preacher named Titus that he needed to have real faith. People who know God show others their faith in God in the way they live. We should follow God’s Word and share His love with others!

Six Things You Need

Items Needed:

  • Paper
  • Writing utensil
  • Small basket

Write each of the following qualities on a slip of paper, fold each one, and place them in the basket. Take turns choosing one and acting it out. The one who guesses correctly gets to be the next to act one out.

Encouraging with words
Devoted to God

Paul tells us good leaders share their faith with others. Paul shared this list of qualities with the young preacher Titus (Titus 2:1-15). Do you have the qualities to be a good leader to pass on your faith in God to others?

Build it Right

Items Needed:

  • Legos or blocks
  • Various items to use as a foundation (marshmallows, sand, rock, etc.)

Build a small house on different foundations to see what foundation works best.

Why is it important to use the right materials for the foundation of a building? (Your building won’t be sturdy if you don’t have a good foundation; your building might fall; etc.)

Why is it important to build our lives/faith on truth? (It will help us know the right way to live; truth will make us stronger; etc.)

To build a good life, we must build on the right foundation. Our faith must be based on God and the truths He has given us in the Bible.