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What’s Refuge?

Ask your children if they know what the word refuge means. Explain that refuge is being safe from danger or a place of safety. God offered the Israelites safety when He instructed them to create the cities of refuge—cities to protect those who accidentally committed a crime.

Just as God offered refuge to the Israelites, He offers refuge to us—refuge from the punishment for our sin. He sent His Son to take our punishment because He is a God of mercy—not getting a deserved punishment. God’s mercy and refuge are gifts to us, and they are with us throughout our entire lives.

Never Alone

Play Sardines (a variation of Hide-and-Seek) to introduce the idea that God cares and is with us even when we have trouble. Choose one person to hide while the rest of the family counts. Everyone then spreads out and tries to find the hider. When each person finds the hiding family member, he/she hides with them (until everyone is hiding together). The first person to find the hider gets to hide in the next round. After several rounds (and hopefully some laughter from cramming into some tight spaces), talk about why having others with us is helpful.

What made this game fun?
Was it more fun having others hide with you?
When have you felt alone?

God is always with us—even when we feel alone. He cares for us and provides safety for us too. God not only gives us refuge— safety from danger or a safe place—but He is our refuge. Pray together thanking God for His presence, protection, and the people He places in our lives.

Guess How Long It Lasts!

Items Needed: Paper, marker

Play a simple game of Hangman. Make seven blank lines (for the word forever) and invite family members to guess the letters before you draw a person.

Read Psalm 118:1–4. Depending on the translation you read, you will see that God’s steadfast love/mercy lasts forever. That means we can count on Him to keep loving, protecting, and helping us forever!