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What Is Selflessness?

Items Needed: two index cards or pieces of paper, bag or basket

Write ‘selfish’ and ‘selfless’ on an index card. Ask the children to explain the meaning of each word. (‘Self’ is in both words – but selfless means less of self and selfish means more of self and wanting one’s own way.)

Put both index cards in the bag and ask two family members to pick a card from the bag. Then instruct them to act out someone acting selfishly or selflessly.

Suggested Scenarios:
Your mom asked you to donate some toys to a needy family.
Your dad is working in the yard.
Your sibling wants to play a game.
Your best friend got the toy you wanted.
Your neighbor fell and broke her arm.

It is sometimes hard to act selflessly, but Jesus is our example. When we are selfless, our words and actions show our love for Jesus and others. God wants us to live in peace, and putting others’ needs before our own is one way to do that. Let’s avoid silly disagreements and practice selflessness this week!

A Perfect Example

Item Needed: Bible, sidewalk chalk

Read Romans 12:2 together.

Draw a grid on the sidewalk. In each square, write a word from the verse. (You might want to use only a portion of the verse and write more than one word in each square, depending on the size of your grid.) Take turns jumping the grid and saying the words of the verse as you hop in each square.

Jesus gave us a great example of selflessness. He was thinking of us and not Himself when He came to earth and died on the cross. We can grow to be more like Jesus, and with God’s help, the words in the Bible can transform our minds and protect us from conforming to the ways of the world.

Disagree? No problem!

Ask your family members to name their favorites in the following categories:
Ice cream

After everyone has shared their favorites, ask your child if they think it is important for everyone to have the same favorites. Emphasize that disagreements over little, silly things can grow into big problems. Instead of using our words to argue, we should use our words to encourage and pray for each other.

Arguments often happen because of selfish actions and attitudes. We need to follow the example of Jesus and put others first and treat them with kindness. How can you live in peace with others this week?