Stop and Think!
While you are in the car with your child, think up and share different situations. Go through the following steps together.
Stop and think.
Consider the choices and consequences.
Go God’s way.
For example: You want to go to a friend’s house, but you’re supposed to walk the dog.
Stop and Think. Instead of running out the door and doing what you want, stop and think about what you are doing.
Consider the choices and consequences. You could ignore your dog. Then your dog might have an accident. Then your parents would be upset because you didn’t do your chore. Then you would have to clean up the mess. Or you could walk your dog before you go to your friend’s house, and everyone will be happier—you, the dog, and your parents.
Go God’s way. God’s way is always best, and He tells us in His Word, the Bible, that we need to obey our parents. Obedience leads to good consequences!
Follow the Leader!
Pair up family members (and friends) and appoint one as the leader and the other as the follower. Ask them to stand facing one another and the follower must see how quickly he can do exactly what the leader does (make a face, raise an arm, lift a leg, make a noise, run in place, etc.). After a minute or so, swap roles.
Did you like being the leader or the follower?
What did the follower have to do so he could follow the leader? (He had to watch; he had to pay attention; he had to actually do the actions, etc.)
If we are to be like Jesus, how can we follow Him? (We must look at His example in the Bible; we must do what He did; etc.)
The Bible instructs us to obey God and His Word. When we choose to obey God, we receive good consequence and experience victory over Satan and his temptations to sin.
Obey the Instructions!
Items Needed: Slip of paper with the name of a destination written on it (oak tree in backyard, dryer in laundry room, trunk of car, etc.), reward (treat of food, bag of cookies, small gift, whatever you like)
Hide a reward at a specific destination without the children knowing. Announce that there is a reward hidden for them, but they must follow your instructions to get it. (All the children can do this together or you can do it one at a time if you have a smaller family.) Verbally give clues (Go ten steps and turn left; look until you find a yellow flower; go where there is something we use to cut the grass; etc.) or write them on slips of paper and give them at the appropriate time.
After the reward has been found and enjoyed, talk about it:
What might have happened if you had NOT followed the instructions? (We wouldn’t have found the reward; we would have wandered around; etc.)
Why are instructions important? (They help us find the way; they help us know how things work; they guide us; etc.)
Where are God’s instructions? (in His Word, the Bible)
Why is it good for us to obey God’s instructions? (The Bible helps us know the right way to live, how to get along with others, and how to love God; etc.)
Obedience leads to good consequences. Obedience leads to victory over Satan and his temptations to sin!