How Would You Feel?
Items Needed: Paper, writing utensil
Write each of the following instructions on a piece of paper:
- Ask Mom or Dad a question.
- Tell Mom or Dad about your day.
- Go sit by Mom or Dad.
- Tell Mom or Dad about your favorite activity.
Allow each child to pick one and take turns completing the assignment.
When your child interacts with you, ignore them and talk about one of your interests (new app on your phone, favorite pizza, book, or movie, etc.) with each child’s attempt.
Then ask:
How did you feel when I didn’t pay attention to you and kept talking about something that was important to me?
It hurts to have those we love ignore us. God was hurt by the way the Israelites ignored Him and did not listen to His commands. When Moses was away, Aaron helped the people make and worship an idol. Anytime we treat something as more important than God, it is wrong. Aaron was sorry, God forgave Him, and God will do the same for us if we ask for His forgiveness.
Spend a few minutes discussing things in each family member’s life that might easily become an idol. Close your time in prayer asking God to help you make Him the highest priority.
Good News
Items Needed: Bible, balloons (or small ball or stuffed animal)
Review Romans 6:23 as a family. After reading the verse a couple times, pair up family members and give each pair a balloon to blow up and tie. Bat the balloon back and forth with each person saying the next word of the verse as he or she touches it. (Optional: Toss a small ball or stuffed animal back and forth if you don’t have any balloons.)
The good news is that God gives eternal life (life with Him in Heaven that never ends) because of what Jesus did on the cross. What a wonderful gift!
The Power to Help
Ask your children:
If you could have any superpower, what power would you like to have?
Why would you like to have that power?
How would you use your power to help others?
Sadly, superpowers are just pretend—not real. But God is real and has unlimited power. He helps us every day, and He gives us the power to help others too!
When the Israelites fought the Amalekites, they were winning when Moses held his hands in the air. However, when Moses became tired and he no longer had the strength to hold his hands, the Israelites began to lose their battle. So, Moses’ brother Aaron and a man named Hur held Moses’ hands up for him, helping him help the Israelites defeat the Amalekites.
Who can you help this week?