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Pray About It!

Items Needed: Notebook and writing utensil

Spend time together writing down prayer requests in a family journal. Leave the journal on the counter so family members can add requests and answered prayers to the notebook throughout the week.

Prayer is our greatest weapon. God’s Word encourages us to bring all things, big and small, to God in prayer. Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. When we share our hurts and worries with God, He will comfort and strengthen us. We can ask God to help us make right choices and respond as His Word teaches.

We can learn from the example of Moses and Aaron. They responded in love toward others, even when the people were making bad choices and fighting against them.

Hate Is a Strong Word

Instruct your children to stand if you name something they would say they hate.

Share the following with your children:

  • Broccoli
  • Washing dishes
  • Bugs
  • Cleaning your room
  • Going to bed early
  • Getting up early

These are unimportant, silly examples, but hate is an emotion we should take seriously. Hate can change the way we think and act. We must not let hate control us. Jesus teaches us to love others, and this means we can treat others with love even when they hurt us or treat us badly. Some men fought against Moses and Aaron and said unkind, untrue things about them. Moses and Aaron responded as God wanted them to—with love and honesty. Let’s learn from the examples of Moses and Aaron and spread love, not hate!

Favorite Gifts

Spend some time sharing what some of your favorite birthday or Christmas gifts have been. Allow your children to share as well. When everyone has had a chance to share, ask your children to name some gifts we receive from God.

God’s gifts, or blessings, are never ending. His gifts to us include His love, grace, forgiveness, and goodness, and these gifts are overflowing. His power is also a huge gift. We read about His power in the Bible, and we see His power in our lives when He provides for us, protects us, and forgives us.

Read Numbers 6:24–26 together and work on memorizing it as a family this week.