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Story Starters

Item Needed: Bible

Choose one of the story starters below and complete the story—with a good and bad ending. First, ask the children to complete the story with an example of what might have happened if the main character(s) did NOT listen to the person in charge. Then complete the story with the character(s) submitting to the person in authority.

Abby’s class went to the zoo. Mrs. Green told the class to stay together, but the cute koalas quickly distracted Greta. When she looked around, she couldn’t find her classmates.

Philip and Thomas went skating. They played tag with some other boys and were zooming past the other skaters when the man in charge blew his whistle for them to slow down. Philip laughed and kept on racing around the rink.

Seth snuck into his mom’s closet where she hid his birthday gifts. She had warned him to stay out of her closet, but he paid no attention. When she found out he had found his gifts, she…

Read Romans 13:1. (Obey those in authority over you.)

Who are some people in authority over (in charge of) you?

Why is it sometimes hard to obey? (We want our own ways; We don’t want our fun to be spoiled; etc.)

When we obey those God has placed over us, we please Him. Submitting, or trusting someone has our best interest in mind and obeying their instructions, is a part of God’s plan for us. Submitting to authority is also a what we can live like Christ lived. Jesus submitted to God, His Father, and we can submit to those in charge of us too.

Listening to the Coach

Share these facts about the 2024 Summer Olympics:

The city of Paris, France, the location for the 2024 Summer Olympics, has a population of 2,148,271 and is in the north-central region of France along the Seine River.
206 countries competed.
329 events, in a variety of sports disciplines, took place.
Paris is the second city to host the Summer Olympics three times—1900, 1924, and 2024. (London hosted the Games in 1908, 1948, and 2012.)
The total expenses of the 2024 Games came to over $8.5 million.

The Summer Olympics ended a couple months ago. There were thousands of athletes who listened to, respected, and obeyed their coaches. That is a great example of what it means to submit to authority.

Why do athletes have coaches? (To teach, guide, support, and correct them)

What might happen if athletes ignored their coach’s instructions? (They might get hurt; they wouldn’t do as well; etc.)

God places people in our lives and gives them the authority to watch over and protect us. When we honor and respect those in charge over us, we submit to them. Submitting to authority is a part of God’s plan for us, and it is also living like Jesus. He submitted to God, His Father.

Count on It!

Items Needed: Index cards or pieces of paper, writing utensil, Bible

Write the numbers 1–5 on individual index cards or pieces of paper. Tell your child you are going to read a verse from the Bible to them, and they are to listen and count the commands Paul wrote in the verse. Before you read the verse, show the children the cards or papers with the numbers. Allow them to choose the number that matches how many commands they think there are in the verse.

Read Romans 13:9. After reading, review the commands in the verse. You can even point out there are 4 commands of what not to do and 1 command of what to do. Reveal if anyone guessed the number of commands correctly.

God’s Word, the Bible, helps us know how to live like Jesus. We are to submit, trust and obey, those who are in charge of us and love others. What does this verse tell us about love? Yes, we are to love our neighbors and think of them before we think of ourselves. When we follow God’s instructions, we are submitting to His authority. He is the source of all authority—you can count on Him!