Calendar Connection
This week your child learned about the age of the Earth and how God is in control of the world He created.
Spend some time helping your child make a calendar for the week. You can add schoolwork, practices, and activities planned. Be creative! Allow your child to decorate the calendar with stickers and colorful markers.
Talk with your child about how God planned out Creation, just like we can plan out our week. God planned to work and create for the first six days. On the seventh day, God rested. Just like the Jews used God’s Creation week as an example to plan out their workweeks, we can use this as a reminder that God made the whole world in seven days!
Be sure to model a day of rest and worship for your child, and encourage them to make it a priority too.
Promise Keeper
Promise the children a treat and keep your word. It doesn’t have to be food. It could be that you will play a game after dinner or that they can stay up 30 minutes later.
After you’ve kept your promise, talk about it:
What is a promise? (A promise is a guarantee to do what a person says he/she will do.)
The most important thing to know about a promise is WHO is making the promise. If the person who makes the promise can be trusted, then you can count on him/her to keep their word.
After Noah and his family survived the Flood, what did God promise He would never do again? (Destroy the earth with flood) What symbol did God give Noah and his family as a reminder of His promise? (A rainbow) Has God kept His promise? YES! God is completely trustworthy and will do what He says He will. We can trust God with everything because He keeps His promises!
Guess What?
Play a guessing game to begin a discussion about trusting God.
Write each of the following items (any items would do) on a piece of paper or index card. You might want to draw pictures if you have some non-readers in the home. (Items: bathtub, coffee pot, microwave, television, cell phone, a specific toy, etc.)
Invite someone to pick a card (not letting anyone see what is written/drawn on the card). The others are to guess the items by asking questions that can be answered with a YES or NO. (Will this fit inside my hand? Does it make a noise? Do I own one of these? etc.)
After all the items have been guessed, talk about the game using the following questions:
Was it hard to guess the items?
What made it hard to guess?
Which item was the hardest to guess?
How did we guess these items? We asked questions, so we could learn more about the mystery items. We tried to find out what they do, if they make a sound, what size they are, and other details too.
The more we learn about God, the more we know who He is and what He is like. In the same way, others can learn about us by watching the things we do and listening to the words we say. When you hear the name, Noah, what do you think of? (Ark; flood; rainbow; obeyed God; etc.) Noah trusted God and believed God was in control. Noah obeyed God and did the right thing even though no one else joined him.
What would people learn about you from your words and actions? Would they see you trusting in God like Noah?