In His Image
Let each person in the family build something with blocks or Legos.
When the construction is complete, allow each “designer” to share and describe what they built. Compliment each creation, naming something specific about their workmanship.
Read Ephesians 2:10. (For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.)
Ask: What does this verse tell us we are created for? (good works, making good choices, living in a way that pleases God)
God created the world out of nothing, and He created us in His image! We must live our lives so others can see the truth that God is real. Let each person share one thing they can do to show others God is real.
Be a Light
Items Needed: Construction paper, markers, scissors, glue
Read Matthew 5:16. (Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.)
Cut a circle (sun) and several strips (sun’s rays) out of the construction paper. Write “Let your light shine” on the circle, and write ways you can be a light on the strips of paper. Glue the rays to the sun and display your family sun on the refrigerator or in another visible spot in your home.
Ask: How can we let the light of God shine through us? (Be kind; Tell the truth; Obey; Bake cookies for a neighbor; etc.)
Helping others believe in and learn about God can be done through living our lives in a way that they see God’s love in and through us. Let’s do our best to reach out to others and be a light.
It’s Not a Secret!
Take time for a walk one night after dinner. Instruct your children to search for something rare and special that God created. When everyone has found their item, sit together and allow each person to describe the item they found.
Ask: How does your item remind you of God? (God made the world; God is our Creator; God made all things, etc.)
These simple conversations and discoveries open up an opportunity to teach truth to your children. Read Genesis 1:1 and Romans 1:20. Encourage your children to be excited about their nature discoveries but also about what the Bible teaches us. God does not hide from us. He doesn’t want to be a kept secret He wants us to find Him. God reveals Himself to us in many ways, including the beauty of His creations.