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What Is Wisdom?

Items Needed:

  • Marker
  • Index cards/paper (colored)
  • Bible

Do a wisdom search as a family. Write each letter of the word “wisdom” on an index card or piece of paper—you might even want to make a different colored set for each child to find. After all the letters have been found, unscramble the letters to discover the MOST important thing we can find.

What is wisdom? Wisdom is knowing and doing the right thing. Read Proverbs 1:7.

What do you think the statement, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” means? Wisdom comes by recognizing the greatness of God and understanding that He is in charge and knows what is best. Wisdom is respecting God’s laws and putting Him first, and not ourselves. A wise person recognizes that he does not know the best way, so he seeks God’s thoughts and ways.

*If you have older children, write proverbs about wisdom (instead of letters) on index cards for them to find. (Proverbs 1:5, 7, 8; 2:6; 3:13; 8:11; 10:31; 16:16; 17:24 are some good ones.) Let each one read their proverb and talk about its meaning.

Searching for wisdom—the wisest thing to do—will be the BEST thing we can do in life.

Can You Guess?

Items Needed:

  • Bible
  • Bag

Play 20 Questions to guess something that will help you find wisdom. Place a Bible inside a bag so the children can’t see it. Hold up the bag and invite them to ask 20 yes or no questions to see if they can guess what is in the bag.

Read Psalm 19:7. What does this verse tell us God’s Word will do for us? God’s Word will make us wise. We can find wisdom in the Bible.

Here are some other ways we can get wisdom: (hand motions to help learn them)

Read the Bible! (Open hands with palms up to make a Bible.)

Pray for wisdom! (Move hands together in praying position.)

Listen to wise people! (Put hands behind ears.)

Follow God’s commands! (Walk in place.)

Throughout the week, ask the children to name all four ways—sometimes using the hand motions and sometimes the words. As the week goes by, see how quickly they can do it.

Chasing Wisdom

Items Needed:

  • Balloons
  • Markers

Run a race with balloons. Make a starting point and a finish line (about 15 feet apart). Give each person a balloon and line everyone up at the starting point. At the signal to go, each one must blow air into his balloon and let it go. Wherever it lands is where he/she must run and do the same thing over and over until one person’s balloon crosses the finish line.

Solomon, a very wise man, said that chasing the world’s ideas is like chasing the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:17). If we get what we believe from TV or other people, our beliefs might not be right. What are some wrong things others might tell us? (God doesn’t care what you do; It’s okay to tell a lie; Things make you happy; Man evolved from animals; etc.)

We want to be wise, so we read and believe God’s words in the Bible. We can be sure they are true.

Ask each person to blow up and tie their balloon. Then assign each person to carefully write a Bible truth on their balloon. Help as needed.

Here are few ideas:

God can be trusted. Proverbs 3:5

God will always love me. Romans 8:39

God will never leave me. Hebrews 13:5b

God is powerful. Jeremiah 32:17

God will do what is best for me. Romans 8:28

We must believe these wise Bible truths and not chase after every false idea. Let’s be on the lookout for situations and characters that provide teachable moments. Teaching our children truth is best done a little at a time.