The Standard
Send the children outside to find a straight stick. When they return, hold their sticks (one by one) beside a ruler.
Is this stick crooked? How do you know?
Do this with several other sticks – some very crooked and some that look almost straight. Hold each one alongside the ruler – the standard.
Some sticks are more crooked than others. Sometimes it may be hard to tell a stick is crooked until you hold it up next to something that is perfectly straight.
Just as a ruler is a standard for a straight line, is there a standard for what is right and wrong? If so, what is it? (God, the Bible, Jesus)
The Bible is God’s truth, and it is like the straight ruler. Lies we might hear are like crooked sticks. We must compare what we hear or read to what the Bible says.
We can count on God and His Word to always be true!
Can You Guess?
Give everyone the assignment to think of or research one true statement. (Depending on the ages of your children, they can be simple – Dogs have four legs – or more complex – A jellyfish is 95% water.)
At the dinner table, ask each person to share his statement and the others will guess whether it is true or false.
Paul wrote a letter to Timothy (a young preacher) to guide him. Paul told Timothy to stop those who are teaching false ideas. (1 Timothy 1:3-7)
The best way to spot a false idea is to know the truth. God’s Word shows us truth.
Storing Away God’s Word
Read 1 Timothy 6:12a with your children.
Ask the following questions:
What does this verse tell us to do? (fight the good fight of faith; take hold of eternal life)
Does this mean we go around fighting people? How can we “fight” the good fight of faith? (No to beating up people! We are to stand up for truth; we can pray and tell and give; just as a soldier prepares for a physical battle, we can prepare for a spiritual battle; we can know what is true and share it with others; etc.)
How can we know what is true? (the Bible is God’s truth to us)
Invite all family members to stand in a circle. Pass a small Bible from one person to the next with each one saying the next word in the Bible verse. The last one holding the Bible can receive a small treat. (Alternate who starts so everyone will have a turn to get a treat.)
We find truth in God’s Word!