Walk With the Wise Item Needed: Bible Talk with your child about choosing friends wisely. Read Psalm 1:1 together. What does this verse tell us about who we spend time with? We will be blessed if we choose friends who don’t make bad choices. No one is perfect, but we...
Red Light, Green Light Red: Stop and Think! Yellow: Consider the Choices and Consequences! Green: Go God’s Way! As you are driving, share different situations and go through the above steps with your children. For example: You want to go to a friend’s house, but...
Follow Good Examples! Items Needed: Various items you might need to teach your child a new skill. See list below. Teach your child a skill you know that is new to them. Some ideas—How to: Stand on your head Eat an Oreo the “correct” way Sew on a button Dribble a...
Hard Times? Items Needed: Bubbles Blow bubbles (homemade or pre-made bubble solution) to talk about how short trouble is compared to eternity in Heaven. Blow the bubbles and count to see how long it takes each one to pop. The bubbles popped very quickly. Do you know...
Give It to God! Items Needed: Small box, variety of craft supplies Bedtime is a great time to talk about things that might be bothering your child. Find a small box and let your child decorate it. Draw a picture of a hand on either side (as if the hands are holding...