What Are Miracles? Write out each of the following “assignments” on a piece of paper and give one to each child. Make it rain. Create snow. Make a sick person well. Make a plant bloom. Create a sun. After they have read it and complain that they can’t do the...
We’re All Thirsty Items Needed: Salty snack (crackers, pretzels, popcorn, chips, etc.); ice cold water Share the salty snack with the children. After they’re quite thirsty and asking for something to drink, give them the ice cold water. Ask: Why did the water...
Being Born Show your child baby pictures and talk about the day they were born into your family. Show pictures and talk about how happy you were. If they were adopted, talk about the happy day they became part of your family. Ask: How do you become part of God’s...
God and Man Read the following verses to your children: Luke 2:7, 3:23, 10:38, 19:41. Ask your child what each verse tells us about Jesus as a man (His birth, son of Mary and Joseph, friend, emotional). Read the following verses to your children: Luke 1:32, 4:36,...
No Talking Assign your children a task (clean the kitchen; take out the trash; give the dog a bath; clean their room; etc). Tell them they must complete the task together WITHOUT talking. After they have finished, ask them: Was the job harder or easier to do when you...
Obey/Reward Write each of the following Bible verses on a piece of paper (Ephesians 6:1; Ephesians 4:32; Philippians 4:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Ephesians 4:29). Write each of the following rewards on a piece of paper (Stay up 30 minutes later; play a game together;...
DON’T Items Needed: mousetrap and cheese Show children a mousetrap and let them see you put cheese or whatever you use to catch a mouse on it. Ask: How does this work? (The mouse wants the cheese, so the trap catches him when he comes to get it.) How did the devil...
Baby, Baby Get out baby pictures – everybody LOVES baby pictures! Talk about the special day they were born. Pull out your own baby pictures. Compare them to see if you look alike. Just as your child probably looks like you, you were made in God’s image. If your child...
In His Image Let each person in the family build something with blocks or Legos. When the construction is complete, allow each “designer” to share and describe what they built. Compliment each creation, naming something specific about their workmanship. Read Ephesians...
I Spy Go on a nature scavenger hunt. Make a list of items that kids will need to find (rock bigger than your hand, three kinds of leaves, two insects, flower, worm, piece of bark, blade of grass two inches long, feather, a weed, a mushroom, a shell, etc.). Optional:...