No Hassle. Biblically Solid. Large Group Worship.
What is Elements?
Elements Kids Worship is a no hassle, biblically rich, large group worship curriculum for any children’s ministry. It is designed to help kids learn the essential building blocks they need to become spiritual champions for Christ!
Each month, dive deep into one Element of the Christian faith. Teach children essential concepts such as discipleship, worship, obedience, repentance, and many other Elements from Scripture.
Perfect for both large group and mid-week settings, the Elements curriculum gives you 12 months (52 weeks) of biblically-based and culturally-relevant lessons equipped with easy-to-use lesson plans, videos, and podcasts to help you partner with parents throughout the week to drive faith home.

Fully Downloadable
Elements includes monthly…
- PowerPoint Slides
- Big Idea Videos
- Lesson PDFs
- Parent Podcasts
Try a whole month of Elements for FREE!
This month, let’s learn about the Element of prayer! Together, we’ll discover what it means to talk with God and how we can apply this to our lives.
The Big Idea
The Big Idea
The Big Idea
The Big Idea
The Big Idea
The Big Idea
The Big Idea
The Big Idea
Elements Kids Worship Is...
Biblically Solid
Teach children unapologetically orthodox Christian beliefs, equipping them to become unwavering disciples of Christ. To learn more about what we believe, visit our statement of faith page.
Easy to Use
Make your job easy with simple, step-by-step lesson plans that require minimal prep. Elements is easily adaptable and highliy customizable to fit your church’s large group or mid-week needs.
Explore flexible pricing options to fit your ministry budget. Get a full year of high-quality curriculum, and invest in biblically rich lessons at a price your church can afford.
Fully Downloadable
Gain instant access to your 100% downloadable curriculum whenever you need it. No more waiting for shipments. Just download, print, and teach!
Age Appropriate
Engage kids in grades K–5 with timely lessons that make learning about faith fun and meaningful. Every lesson is designed to capture their attention and deepen their understanding of God’s truth.
52 Weeks
Get a full year of curriculum with 52 weeks of biblically solid, engaging lessons. Keep your kids learning and growing in their faith every single week!
Find the Right Price for YOU
$49.00 / month
Billed monthly
$43.00 / month
$129.00 billed quarterly
$33.25 / month
$399.00 billed annually
2025 Scope & Sequence
This year, we’ll learn about the Elements of…
JusticeJanuary – Psalm 82:3
Spiritual GiftsFebruary – 1 Corinthians 12:1, 4
AuthorityMarch – Matthew 28:18
RepentanceApril – 2 Peter 3:9
Armor of GodMay – Ephesians 6:13
PraiseJune – Psalm 146:2
WisdomJuly – James 1:5
GodlinessAugust – 1 Timothy 4:8
DiscipleshipSeptember – Mark 8:34
Christian ConductOctober – 1 Timothy 4:12
LeadershipNovember – 2 Timothy 2:15
Son of GodDecember – John 20:31
Stories of Success
Elements is the perfect blend of biblical depth and engagement! Pastor Steve’s teaching captivates kids while staying biblically sound, and the easy-to-use lessons, videos, and resources make programming a breeze. Plus, the at-home tools help parents keep faith conversations going all week!
We have used Elements Kids Worship for many years and have been very pleased with the results it has had in our children! Our kids look forward to the lessons each week and many have come to faith in Christ because of our using Elements. After having used many other materials, Elements has been more user-friendly, and seems to have connected more effectively with our kids.
Elements makes leading children’s church simple and impactful! The well-structured lessons, videos, and resources help us teach kids biblical truth in a way they understand and remember!
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I get when I subscribe to Elements?
When you subscribe to Elements, you will recieve an email link with access to two month’s of completely downloadable content, including weekly PowerPoint slides, PDF lessons and scripts, Big Idea videos, and parent connection podcasts.
You can access our highly customizable tools immediately upon purchase through the link in your confirmation email or from the dashboard in your webstore account.
Can I get a free sample?
Yes! You can recieve an entire month of Elementc completely free when you click “Download FREE Sample” in the section above.
What software and hardware do I need to run Elements?
Elements can be run on any Mac or Windows device.
Slides can be opened in Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote, or any software capable of reading PPT files.
PDFs can be opened in Preview, Acrobat Reader, or similar software is required to open PDF files.
Audio and video files can be opened in QuickTime, Windows Media Player, or any program that can play MP3 and MP4 files.
When will the next month's lessons be available on the website?
Each month’s lessons will be available after the first week of the new month. For example, October lessons will be available after the first week of September, November lessons will be available after the first week of October, etc.
What ages is Elements designed for?
Which translation of the Bible is used with Elements Kids Worship?
Elements is provided in KJV, NIV, NKJV, and ESV. Your subscription allows you to download any or all of the versions provided.
The main difference between each version is the weekly memory verse. The content of each lesson remains otherwise the same.
Is music provided with Elements Kids Worship?
To be as felxible and affordable as possible, Elements does not provide music from week to week. We recognize that churches have unique styles and tastes in music, and no one knows what will work best with your kids and setting better than you. We offer resource suggestions, but ultimately the choice is up to you.
Who can I share copies of the reproducible resources with?
For leaders from other churches, you may share one printed lesson as a free sample, but our copyright prohibits sharing the studies for use outside your local church or ministry. Please include the following copyright notice in your sample: Copyright © D6 Family Ministry, Nashville, TN. All Rights Reserved.