Our guests today are Sissy Goff and Mark Holmen.
Just as David Thomas spoke to us on different stages of boyhood last week, we sit down with Sissy Goff to learn about the girl perspective. She walks us through emotional, spiritual and social development milestones for a 5-year-old, 10-year-old, 14-year-old, and a 17-year-old girl. She discusses topics such as emotional vocabulary, having the correct perspective, empathy, and anxiety. Sissy also shares her take on technology in the life of a girl and tells us about new projects she is working on dealing with anxiety in girls.
Mark Holmen speaks to us on measuring and assessing the health of the homes in our church. He explains why it is so difficult for pastors and ministry leaders to determine what is working and why it’s working. He has spent four years developing a survey that is all about the home, measuring attitudes, behaviors, and the desire for help. Mark also tells us what findings he has learned and changes that churches have made as a result of the surveys.