Our guest, Michayla White, is a leader in the children’s ministry world. She joins us to discuss her passion for children’s ministry and the value of including children in corporate worship. Michayla challenges church leaders to ask themselves critical questions about children being kept busy and quite during services versus including them as members of the family of God. She explains how the pandemic has amplified the need to include children in worship services. She also gives a wonderful perspective on fostering a child-friendly environment from Deuteronomy 6, and she shows how this command pertains to every member of the body of believers. 

The D6 Family Ministry Podcast

#288 | Including Children in Worship - Michayla White

The D6 Family Ministry Podcast         The D6 Family Ministry Podcast        
#288 | Including Children in Worship - Michayla White           #288 | Including Children in Worship - Michayla White          
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