We are so thankful to have guests Matt McKee and Megan Lacefield with us today.

There is no escaping the ever-evolving world of technology, and parents are often fearful and unsure of how to parent their children on this topic. Matt McKee is here to offer hope and guidance. He shares a personal story that began his journey to writing Parent Chat. Matt also talks about Circle, a device created to take a network approach to provide security and safety for your household’s devices. He gives suggestions on questions that parents can ask to stir conversations on technology, and how modeling is the most influential thing parents can do to impact screen time for their children.

Megan Lacefield is with us to give advice on raising kids as a ministry leader. Many times, these children are in the “fishbowl,” so expectations tend to be high. Megan reveals her own stories of raising her children in ministry, and she shares how she came to realize that her concern had to be on her children’s heart and learning along with them as opposed to what her congregation thinks about them. Megan encourages parents to trust the seeds of faith that they’ve planted. She also discusses the struggle ministry leaders have when it comes to choosing between attending their children’s activities versus attending church events.