Happy Birthday! Items Needed: Party suppliesNativity Host a birthday party for Jesus. Involve the whole family – plan games, make a birthday cake or cupcakes with candles, sing “Happy Birthday” and celebrate Jesus’ birth into the world. A simple game to play at...
I Hope… Ask your children to complete the sentence: I hope __________. What is hope? (confident expectation) What are the chances that our hopes will come true? (It depends on the person we are hoping in; it depends on what we are hoping for; etc.) The hope that you...
He’s Coming! Item Needed: Bible Read Isaiah 9:6b together as a family. Make up motions as you practice the verse together (or use the suggested motions below). Words:He shall be calledWonderful CounselorMighty GodEverlasting FatherPrince of Peace Motions:Point to...
Which Way? Take a walk with your children. Allow them to choose which way to go every time you come to an intersection. Follow their directions. Ask: What would happen if you made the choice to go the other way? Where would we end up? (in a different place) The...
Blessed! Items Needed: Index cardsMarkersSmall treat Write each word from Jeremiah 17:7a on a separate index card. Turn them face down and arrange them in rows. Allow each family member to take turns flipping a card over and trying to lay the verse out in the correct...
Rock Solid Items Needed: RocksColorful permanent markers Ask the children to go outside and find a rock they like. (Needs to be larger than a pebble, about the size of their hand) The rock you chose is a reminder that God’s promises are strong and give us hope. God...
Lost and Found Items Needed: MoneyBible Hide a few dollar bills or quarters in your children’s rooms without telling them. Assign a certain amount of time (30 minutes?) and tell them to clean their rooms as quickly as possible. You might even want to tell them that...
The Choice Items Needed: Two index cards for each childMarkers Help each child write YES on one card and NO on the other. Help them think about the choices they make. For one whole day, ask them to use the cards to answer when you ask them to do something—remembering...
Superpowers Over dinner, ask the children: If you could have any superpower, what power would you like to have? Why would you like to have that power? How would you use your power to help others? Superheroes and superpowers are just pretend – make-believe stories. But...
The Standard Send the children outside to find a straight stick. When they return, hold their sticks (one by one) beside a ruler. Is this stick crooked? How do you know? Do this with several other sticks – some very crooked and some that look almost straight. Hold...