Tackle Tough Topics With Biblical Discipleship—ChildDiscipleship.com

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We have 13 critical years to meet kids where they are—to show up in the hard places, equip parents, and biblically lead children together—so they unmistakably recognize Jesus and hold fast to Him in every situation. Kids are asking important questions and seeking answers that are forming who they become. But are those answers coming from the Bible? Are they coming from gospel-centered leaders? It’s vitally important, as a community of children’s ministry and next-gen ministry leaders, to mold young believers into devoted followers of Jesus, capable of living out the gospel in a world marked by hostility and compromise. Child discipleship is the most important work on the planet.

At Awana, it’s our mission to reach kids with the gospel and invite them into a life of discipleship to Jesus Christ. Awana is a worldwide nonprofit ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for ages 2 to 18. With an unwavering commitment to the gospel, Awana reaches more than six million kids every week in 135 countries, giving children and youth from every background an opportunity to know, love, and serve Jesus for a lifetime. We have a front-row seat to see what happens when churches grasp the vision of reaching kids with the transformational power of God’s Word. Through our resources at ChildDiscipleship.com, our training events, and our curriculum, God is using Awana around the world to form tomorrow’s Christian leaders from today’s children. Here’s a glimpse of what that looks like. 


The kids in our homes and ministries are navigating tough cultural challenges today. At ChildDiscipleship.com, we are passionate about equipping families and churches with impactful tools and biblical resources to teach kids to know, love, and serve Jesus. There is an ongoing spiritual battle for our kids’ hearts and we’re in this battle with you. Visit ChildDiscipleship.com today to discover a host of gospel-focused guides and resources that include:

·       Cultural and ministry insights through blog articles, books, podcasts and more

·       Timely guides and downloadable, biblical tools for parents and leaders 

·       Child discipleship training events

·       Keynote speaker presentations from the Child Discipleship Forum

ChildDiscipleship.com is the go-to for churches and disciplemaking parents, putting timely digital resources at your fingertips as you form faith in your children. Take advantage of free, easy-to-use resources like parent guides, tools for everyday ministry, and the latest information to help you stay current.

Sample some of our most popular, FREE resources right now!

Friday Family Email: One of our newest “fan favorites” is our Friday Family Email. When you sign up for the Friday Family Email, we’ll send weekly gospel-centered resources straight to your inbox! You’ll get biblical family conversation starters, ideas, fun printables, and activities to share with the families in your church to grow faith at home. 

Anxiety Parent Guide: Anxiety isn’t new; it even shows up in the Bible! We offer practical steps to help you help kids with anxiety feel more safe, calm and secure—with a biblical perspective in mind.

Gender Identity Parent Guide: Gender and sexual identity is a tough topic to approach with grownups, let alone kids! Explore gender confusion on a deeper, gospel-focused level and learn how to talk with kids in a way that affirms their identity as children of God.

25 Questions to Ask Your Kids After Church: When we first started writing this, we thought we were creating a free tool for parents; what we discovered along the way is that we had made a tool almost anyone can use! Teachers can ask the questions in closing activities, children can ask their parents … there are tons of ways to make church follow-up meaningful.

Child Discipleship Forum 

The Child Discipleship ForumTM is an annual event hosted by Awana. For two days, children’s ministry teams and church leaders gather to learn from keynote speakers and each other about the most pressing challenges and opportunities in our children’s faith formation—and how we can address those together to anchor our kids to Jesus for life. Learn more at ChildDiscipleshipForum.com

RCDT Training Events

Our annual Resilient Child Discipleship Training™ (RCDT) events give your team insights you can apply right away and skills you can practice the next time you meet. You’ll come away with biblical, research-backed insights to shape your ministry’s “why”; language to help cultivate a culture of discipleship in your community; and practical skills and activities for child discipleship in today’s world. For more information, visit ChildDiscipleship.com to find an RCDT event in a city near you!


Our weekend Bible curriculum, BriteTM, helps babies through elementary-aged children grow lasting faith. Brite engages children with the gospel through engaging stories and media, teacher-led lessons, and activities for varied learning styles. With Brite, you’ll get an aligned scope & sequence, monthly memory verses, and fun review games to reinforce the Bible lesson. Leaders and volunteers love our monthly training topics and Brite’s flexibility to customize Brite lessons for large group and small group formats and classroom teaching. Download a one-month series at BriteCurriculum.com.

Awana Clubs

Awana started with clubs over 74 years ago, and it’s still going strong in churches across the U.S. A typical Awana club is an energetic midweek child discipleship gathering at a church. The Awana ClubsTM program is designed to foster connection with loving, caring adults so kids know they belong. Reaching children and youth from ages 2 to 18, Awana Clubs provides proven, age-appropriate curriculum and resources that build a foundation of lasting faith. Learn more about Awana Clubs and try a free sample today at Clubs.Awana.org!

At Awana, we long for all children throughout the world to come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ for their whole lives. We support and stand with disciplemakers and ministry leaders all over the globe so young lives will be transformed. 

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  • Arista Teodozow serves as the Marketing Coordinator at Awana and is passionate about sharing the Gospel and the mission of child discipleship. At Awana, she plays an instrumental role in the development and execution of marketing campaigns and promotional strategies to retain U.S. churches, service U.S. Missionaries and reach new audiences and partners. She’s happiest when she’s with her husband, family and friends, and she loves to sing and lead worship at her local church in Western Kentucky.