• Jenny Wescoat is a freelance writer from St. Louis, Missouri. She and her husband are the parents of four teenagers, who are busy with church work, sports, and school.

Disciplines for Eternity-Based Parenting
Disciplines for Eternity-Based Parenting

When my children were young, I once confessed to my mom that sometimes I longed to get a cold or the flu—nothing serious, but just bad enough to force me into bed so I could get some much-needed rest. I thought my mom would laugh, but instead, she surprised me by...

Happiness Is Not the Goal
Happiness Is Not the Goal

You hear it all around you, "I just want them to be happy." It’s many a parent’s desire for their kids, but it’s worth asking if this is the right goal. Think over your adult life. I’m willing to bet that happiness has been fleeting. Maybe you catch a glimpse when you...