
Marriage Lessons from Ice Cream and a Dented Car
Marriage Lessons from Ice Cream and a Dented Car

The year was 2009. I was waiting to hear back from a publisher about my first manuscript. I had made it miraculously through acquisition board meetings and was awaiting the final yay or nay. When I received the news that my book 31 Days to a Younger You would indeed...

9 Keys to a Healthier Marriage
9 Keys to a Healthier Marriage

Experiencing a strong, vibrant, and healthy marriage didn’t stop with your marriage vows and the commitment you made to each other on your wedding day—it goes beyond that in the way you live out your commitment to each other in your day-to-day lives. Continuing to...

Six Reasons for a Weekly Marriage Meeting
Six Reasons for a Weekly Marriage Meeting

What is the one thing my wife and I do for our marriage every week? It’s something we calendar; it’s something we plan for in advance, and it’s something we make a high priority in our marriage. While I wish the answer were weekly date night, the real answer is just...

How Do You Respond When You Fail or Mess Up?
How Do You Respond When You Fail or Mess Up?

It was not my finest moment. We were running behind on Tuesday evening. Kristen had one of the four boys and I had the other three. For whatever reason, the boys didn’t understand that we were late and we needed to be in the car 10 minutes ago. Kristen called my...

How to Fight the Good Fight and Finish Well
How to Fight the Good Fight and Finish Well

In December, I started a series on “non-marriage verses” that have most impacted my life and marriage. In Part one I shared from 1 Timothy 1:15 and about Working on the Biggest Problem in my Marriage: Me. In this non-marriage verse, Paul shared that he is the chief...