Christian Living

Low Battery Warning: Prioritizing God’s Rest Before It’s Too Late
Low Battery Warning: Prioritizing God’s Rest Before It’s Too Late

Step into this moment with me…You’re in the middle of an important conversation when it happens. Your phone buzzes, and there it is: the dreaded notification. Battery at 1%. Panic sets in. You scramble to find a charger, but it’s nowhere to be found. You instinctively...

Sowing Gospel Seeds
Sowing Gospel Seeds

My name is Elizabeth. My story begins in Ukraine. I never knew my father—he was killed in an accident when I was only one year old. My mom couldn’t cope with the grief, soon turning to alcohol and other destructive habits that...

Lessons from the Wilderness: Finding Purpose in Waiting
Lessons from the Wilderness: Finding Purpose in Waiting

This wilderness was a place of despair and discouragement, where everything looked dry and empty, and my once fruitful life felt barren—like the Israelites, wandering in circles, going nowhere, and producing nothing. I felt distant from the Lord, wondering if He cared...

How Do You Stay in The Game When Life or Ministry is Hard
How Do You Stay in The Game When Life or Ministry is Hard

Ministry is wonderful and can also be hard. Over the past year, I’ve spoken with many children’s ministry leaders who feel isolated and overwhelmed. Recently in a kid’s ministry Facebook group, leaders were sharing that they rarely had the opportunity to participate...

What Are Your Kids Watching?
What Are Your Kids Watching?

You might not be old enough to remember this phrase: “It’s 10 pm. Do you know where your children are?” This was a public service announcement used in the late 1960s through the late 1980s to remind parents to check up on their kids. Today, parents usually know...

Happiness Is Not the Goal
Happiness Is Not the Goal

You hear it all around you, "I just want them to be happy." It’s many a parent’s desire for their kids, but it’s worth asking if this is the right goal. Think over your adult life. I’m willing to bet that happiness has been fleeting. Maybe you catch a glimpse when you...

Everyday Families Making a Global Impact
Everyday Families Making a Global Impact

Sarah spent her days chasing after two energetic boys under age five. Making sure they had clean clothes, healthy food, and afternoon naps sapped all her strength. Motherhood had quenched the flame in her heart to take God’s love to the world. Surely God did not want...


I feel like I need to start with a couple of confessions. Confession is not only good for the soul, but it also brings clarity of purpose when it comes to living for Christ. So, here are my confessions. When I first became a dad, I realized I had more shortcomings...

Fear Must Be Defeated
Fear Must Be Defeated

The phrase “fear not” appears 158 times in the Bible. Fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived imminent threat; anxiety is the anticipation of a future threat. Left unchecked, it can wreck our lives. I have witnessed the damage of untamed fear. Long ago, I...

Becoming the Parent of Your Parents
Becoming the Parent of Your Parents

If blessed with a long life, there is a strong likelihood you will come to a point when your parents need some sort of care. This could range from complete nursing home care to occasional assistance. Generally, it will be somewhere in between.  It is not uncommon...

Helping Our Children Influence Culture
Helping Our Children Influence Culture

As Christians, we often wrestle with questions concerning the state of our world and the role our faith plays out in our culture. Research shows we are gaining converts but losing influence. How do we influence the culture we live in when so many are opposed to our...