
Backward Planning for Your Children’s Future
Backward Planning for Your Children’s Future

In the book Toy Box Leadership, the chapter on Little Green Army Men provides a rich metaphor for leadership and preparation. These small, iconic toys symbolize much more than childhood play; they offer profound lessons about strategy, teamwork, and what the military...

How Do You Stay in The Game When Life or Ministry is Hard
How Do You Stay in The Game When Life or Ministry is Hard

Ministry is wonderful and can also be hard. Over the past year, I’ve spoken with many children’s ministry leaders who feel isolated and overwhelmed. Recently in a kid’s ministry Facebook group, leaders were sharing that they rarely had the opportunity to participate...

Partnering With Parents: A Guide For Church Leaders
Partnering With Parents: A Guide For Church Leaders

Isn’t it great we get to participate in helping kids learn about the Lord, His Word, and His plan for their lives? Each week, in big and small ways, you are making a difference. I hope you believe this! The time you spend is a sure investment in the...

5 Things a Youth Pastor Will Gain from Seminary
5 Things a Youth Pastor Will Gain from Seminary

You’re already busy and on the front lines of youth ministry, so why go to seminary now? Denise Muir Kjesbo, Bethel Seminary’s children’s, youth, and family ministry program director, along with Heather Flies, the program’s youth ministry advisor, weigh in on five...

Everyday Families Making a Global Impact
Everyday Families Making a Global Impact

Sarah spent her days chasing after two energetic boys under age five. Making sure they had clean clothes, healthy food, and afternoon naps sapped all her strength. Motherhood had quenched the flame in her heart to take God’s love to the world. Surely God did not want...

The Hard Work of Disciplemaking With Guys
The Hard Work of Disciplemaking With Guys

(Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Disciplemaking With Guys) One Sunday night I was late for our high school guys' Bible study. When I came into the room, the guys were playing catch with a baseball they had made from playdough. When I asked them to put it away, Trevor asked,...

From Super and Duper to Good and Faithful
From Super and Duper to Good and Faithful

Are you a report card person? The digital age has ruined the trauma we used to feel with a good ol’ paper report card. Do you remember how the teacher would place that thick-papered official document in your hand at 2:48 on Friday afternoon and say, “Bring this back...

Fear Must Be Defeated
Fear Must Be Defeated

The phrase “fear not” appears 158 times in the Bible. Fear is an emotional response to a real or perceived imminent threat; anxiety is the anticipation of a future threat. Left unchecked, it can wreck our lives. I have witnessed the damage of untamed fear. Long ago, I...

Review: How to Find the Right Pastor
Review: How to Find the Right Pastor

There are worse things than not having a pastor, and few things more important than selecting the right shepherd. There is no “magic bullet” for the call process, but starting the process with some theological and practical wisdom will make that process more likely to...

Navigating Controversial Topics While Leading a Small Group
Navigating Controversial Topics While Leading a Small Group

Have you ever seen a group get sidetracked by a controversial debate? I imagine you have, and I’m sure it was awkward. We want to help you discover how to navigate controversial topics in your group setting. There is no better place for people to learn how to process...

“All In”– Reflections from D6 2023
“All In”– Reflections from D6 2023

Listen, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength (Deuteronomy 6:4). “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is...