Amazon’s #1 New Release in Youth Christian Ministry
Jon Forrest has developed an essential resource for youth ministry leaders, volunteers, youth camp workers, and anyone called on to lead events with students. Filled with 52 creative, fun games for small and large audiences, this resource will draw your group together and create an environment where relationship building and learning can take place. Jon Forrest also shares relatable personal narrative based on his many years of youth ministry experience. Help! My Games Stink provides instruction needed to gain the right skills in leading games along with the tools of ideas for success.
Jon Forrest has been working with students at Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Ashland City, Tennessee for about 25 years. He spent six years earning his four-year degree from Welch College, proving he should have “applied himself” like his parents instructed him. His passions include collecting Nerf guns (he estimates well over 400 guns in his collection) and lobbying for Chick-fil-A to get Honey Roasted BBQ Sauce out of the little pillow packs and into the larger foil covered plastic containers where it belongs. Because he is crazy about students, he loves encouraging fellow youth workers, which he will do until he dies probably at the tender age of 107 at his expansive estate. His wife Carrie and daughter Ellie lovingly put up with him.
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