• Ron Hunter Jr. is the CEO of D6 Family Minstry. Dr. Hunter is the author or coauthor of three books, The DNA of D6: Building Blocks of Generational Discipleship, Youth Ministry in the 21st Century: 5 Views, and Toy Box Leadership. He is the co-founder and director of the D6 Conference, but his favorite titles are husband and father.

Bonsai Leadership
Bonsai Leadership

The Karate Kid movie made bonsai trees popular in America. In this 1984 movie, Mr. Miyagi teaches a young boy Karate through unusual methods and the famous phrase “wax on, wax off.” Mr. Miyagi also grew bonsai trees, a curious looking botanical oddity. Bonsai trees,...

Tax Deadline
Tax Deadline

April 15 is a deadline no wise taxpayer can ignore. Various people view deadlines differently. Starting tasks just hours, or minutes, before needed shows a disregard for quality work within a deadline. This lack of preparation and forethought creates mistakes costing...

Starbucks Staffing
Starbucks Staffing

Ever had a bad experience with a staff member at Starbucks? Order a double chocolate chip frappuccino with a hit of peppermint, one white chocolate latte, and a double espresso, then sit and watch the bistro work. They are methodical, repetitious, exact, and yet...