I have heard that there are only three things to do with time: waste it, spend it, or invest it. I want to use every hour that I have INVESTING it in ways that matter. I don’t always, but I’m becoming more and more accustomed to…
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Tommy is the Discipleship Pastor at The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville. He is married to his wonderful wife, Jessica, and they have two beautiful daughters, Anna Claire and Emily. Tommy gets the opportunity to speak all over the country and is passionate about discipleship and sharing the truths of God’s Word in a relevant and challenging way.
I have heard that there are only three things to do with time: waste it, spend it, or invest it. I want to use every hour that I have INVESTING it in ways that matter. I don’t always, but I’m becoming more and more accustomed to…
I’ve spent the last seven years of my ministry as the Student Ministries Pastor at Kirby Church in Michigan and have recently transitioned to The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville to become a Young Adults Pastor, ministering to 18-29 year olds….