D6 Blog

Marriage Lessons from Ice Cream and a Dented Car

Marriage Lessons from Ice Cream and a Dented Car

The year was 2009. I was waiting to hear back from a publisher about my first manuscript. I had made it miraculously through acquisition board meetings and was awaiting the final yay or nay. When I received the news that my book 31 Days to a Younger You would indeed be published, I was overjoyed! The day I signed my contract, I said, “Let’s celebrate and get some ice cream!” I wasn’t even suggesting going out for ice cream—just picking up a couple of gallons from the corner grocery store and...

The Faith of Our Children: Free Chapter Download
The Faith of Our Children: Free Chapter Download

Watching a young person grow to adulthood isn’t a miracle. It’s a normal process. But it sure does feel like a miracle. Being a parent—or for that matter an aunt, uncle, teacher, coach, pastor, counselor, or church volunteer—can be a lot like being a master craftsman....

More Like LegoLand, Less Like Disney
More Like LegoLand, Less Like Disney

We recently changed our name from Randall House Publications to D6 Family Ministry to reflect our broader mission. Describing D6 Family Ministry feels less like one organization and more like managing a theme park. Most theme parks combine multiple parks and...

Family Faith Moments
Family Faith Moments

Can you relate to any of the following statements?  We are too busy to incorporate regular family devotional times into our schedule. My parents didn’t model faith moments, so I don’t know what it looks like. We didn’t start out doing this, so I am not sure how...

To The Ends of the Earth
To The Ends of the Earth

My name is Sakiusa Rokovasa Vakadewatabua, Jr. But I go by Zac. I grew up in Fiji, a nation consisting of over three hundred islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The International Date Line cuts straight through my country, meaning that Fiji is the first to see...

Mom and Dad: Fear Not, Love, Jesus
Mom and Dad: Fear Not, Love, Jesus

What do you do when you are afraid? In that moment of discomfort, do you withdraw? Maybe when panic rises, you lash out in anger. Some turn to substance abuse to numb anxious feelings, while others go for a hard workout. Have you ever just sat with your fear and tried...

Understanding the Biblical Role of Grandparents
Understanding the Biblical Role of Grandparents

What is the biblical role of a grandparent? Biblically, every member of the family has been given an important, God-ordained role that is not interchangeable with other members of the family. Husbands, (Ephesians 5:23), wives (Genesis 2:18; Ephesians 5:22), and...

Daily Faith-Talk Starters
Daily Faith-Talk Starters

Parents serve a critical role in the transmission of faith to the next generation. Unfortunately, many parents consider their role to be that of chauffeur, transporting children and teens to church so the “professionals” can be in charge of spiritual development. As...

Review: How to Find the Right Pastor
Review: How to Find the Right Pastor

There are worse things than not having a pastor, and few things more important than selecting the right shepherd. There is no “magic bullet” for the call process, but starting the process with some theological and practical wisdom will make that process more likely to...

How to Connect With The Heart of Your Teenager
How to Connect With The Heart of Your Teenager

Relationships are central to making a spiritual impact on children. Children and teenagers tend to embrace their parents' faith if parents have heart connections (relationships) with them. If a parent and teenager grow distant from each other, the parent will probably...

Is Reading the Bible in Chronological Order Helpful? 
Is Reading the Bible in Chronological Order Helpful? 

I don’t know anyone who enjoys reading books where they jump around reading various chapters out of order. For example, let's consider the classic children's book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. If you were to read the chapters randomly, it would...

Navigating Controversial Topics While Leading a Small Group
Navigating Controversial Topics While Leading a Small Group

Have you ever seen a group get sidetracked by a controversial debate? I imagine you have, and I’m sure it was awkward. We want to help you discover how to navigate controversial topics in your group setting. There is no better place for people to learn how to process...