Early in your childhood, you were taught various games that enhanced your logic and skill. Such games included Connect Four, Concentration, and even Tic-Tac-Toe, you probably played some form of a trivia game where you matched answers to various categories of questions. Most boys and girls played with LEGO® Bricks. These seemingly random games and fun exercises actually worked to prepare you for more important connections later in life.
Now that later has caught up to you, think through your most important connections. Some of you matched college with either career goals or callings. How did you decide what church was right for you or your family? When you dated, the process determined some were not matches and you dated again. What criteria did you use when selecting your mate? Don’t worry, this is not an article about how right or wrong you chose—and I am certainly not advocating “a do-over.” All these choices caused you to work through a matrix, knowingly or unknowingly, of connecting values to who you are and what you want to become. If you are like me, you have made some good choices and some you are not so proud of, but each choice helped shaped who you are today.
This year’s D6 Conference offers a number of connection opportunities. In addition to connections with other attendees, our speakers will help you make some insightful connections that could change your family’s heritage. This year’s D6 Speakers will help you see a connection between a mom’s worldview and whom her daughter will marry, how your love helps our kids connect to faith, and numerous others. Think of discipleship as building a LEGO® brick structure—each block connects to another. Every connection you make adds something either in a positive or negative way. LEGO® bricks build from the bottom up. You must start with a foundation and connect other bricks on the framework of the bottom layer. Discipleship requires a good foundation constructed at both church and home. Parents, ministers, teachers, and others connect brick after brick in the lives of students; the final structure reveals an image of the whole as people forget the individual blocks. Let’s build the whole structure—not programs, not individual ministries. We need every age working on the same page! This is family ministry done by the church and home—generational discipleship that connects.
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