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Walk in Purity

Shhh! Can you hear it? Items Needed: Writing utensil, slips of paper, basket or bag Play a game to introduce the idea of listening to and walking in truth. Write one instruction for each family member on a slip of paper and put them in a basket or bag. Ideas for...

The Church Expands

Walk Worthy Items Needed: Index cards or pieces of paper, writing utensil, tape Write each word of 1 Thessalonians 2:12 on an index card or piece of paper. Place these (in order) for your child to collect as you take a walk (taped to a mailbox, tree, fence, or...

Lessons From the Life of Paul

Prayer, Pretzels, Pajamas Items Needed: Pretzels of any kind (or another snack that begins with P) After dinner one night, instruct your family to change into pajamas before participating in this activity. Ask your child to explain what they think prayer is. Emphasize...

The Gospel Is for Everyone

Working Together Play a game of charades as a family. Act out the various activities of the believers in the early church. (teach, worship, pray, eating, sharing with others, praise, etc.) Talk to your child about how we can work together with other Christ followers...

The Church Is Born

What Do You See? Item Needed: Mirror Allow your child to look in the mirror. Ask them to tell you what they see. Ask questions to help them if needed. (What color are your eyes? Do you see freckles?) Allow others to have a chance describing his or her reflection. Talk...

Offerings to God

Back In Time Items Needed: Items or pictures of items that are outdated (telephone, payphone, computer, car, refrigerator, etc.) Some of these things are still around, but they have changed a lot. Some of them aren’t even used anymore. We would call these things...

Ten Commandments

Warning! Items Needed: Hair dryer (with warning label) Show your child the hair dryer with the warning label. Ask your child if they know what the warning label is. After they respond, read the label to them. (If your hair dryer doesn’t have a warning label, give them...

God Provides for His People

Watch and Learn Items Needed: Pair of socks, Bible Do a simple demonstration of what to do/what not to do. (Make it fun if you can.) For example, how to put on your socks. First put them on your ears; then put them on the right way. We learn to do new things by...

God Leads His People

Lights, Camera, Action! Items Needed: Bible, household items to be used as props (optional) Act out the story of the God’s deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptian army. Assign parts (Narrator; Moses with a rod; Israelites; Egyptian army; two people to be the...

God Delivers His People

Picture Time! Items Needed: Pictures, photo albums, etc. Students began new lessons on the life of Moses and Israel’s deliverance from slavery. Drag out the baby pictures and talk about each child’s birth. (A few questions to jog your memory: How did you feel when...