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Tested In Suffering

Hide God’s Word Items Needed: Bible Paper Writing utensil Plastic eggs Write verses and/or Scripture references on small pieces of paper and place one in each plastic egg. Hide the eggs for your children to hunt. Look up or read the verses in the eggs after the hunt...

Pursuing Holiness

Growing In Holiness Items Needed: Measuring tape Paper Writing utensil Measure your children to see how much they have grown. (A fun idea is to measure them every year on their birthday and other holidays to periodically chart their growth.) God designed our bodies to...

Called to Holiness

Great Exchange Items Needed: two objects (one good such as a candy bar or treat and one not so good such as a piece of trash–smellier the better) Use a simple illustration to talk about a great exchange–our sin for Jesus’ holiness. Give the piece of trash to one of...

God’s Word Stands

True or False? Read the following statements and ask the children to say if they believe if they are true or false. The biggest bird in the world is the ostrich (up to 9 ft. tall).Honeybees have hair on their eyes.A cheetah can reach a top speed approaching 70 mph.The...

Continue in Truth

Knock It Off! Items Needed: Paper or plastic cups Marker Small beanbag, ball, or stuffed animal Read Psalm 51:10 to your children. Write each word of the verse (or a phrase from the verse) on a cup. Arrange the cups side-by-side on a table so the words can be read....

Called to Serve

Look It Up! Items Needed: Bibles Let the children find all the Bibles in the house and bring them to the table. Show them how to look in the front of the Bible to find the index which tells the page number of the beginning of each book and how each book is divided...

Attitudes That Please God

What’d You Say? Item Needed: Bible Can you express how you feel without ever saying a word? Our words and actions matter, and our attitude can either be a good or bad influence for others. Let’s act out different attitudes we might have based on different situations....

Pure Living

Wanted: Pure Hearts Items Needed: TablespoonWater bottleDirt Add a tablespoon of dirt to the water bottle while the children aren’t looking. Ask: Would you like a drink of this water? Why or why not? Christians are called to be pure–to be holy like Jesus. What does it...

Made New in Christ

Did You Notice? Items Needed: SunglassesScarfHatEtc. Play a little game to see if your children can pick out changes in appearance. Choose one person to be the “changer.” Ask your children to look carefully at the “changer.” Then have them close their eyes. While...

Alive in Christ

Did You Earn It? Item Needed: Small gift for each child Announce there will be a contest to earn a prize. Make a list of activities for the children to do and assign each a point value. Announce that if the children earn 250 points by bedtime, they will get a prize....