Devotion for Single Parents: Quick Fixes and Magical Solutions

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“Hold fast to him” Deuteronomy 10:20b.

Do you ever find yourself wishing you had a quick fix for something? Or do you keep looking for magical solutions to problems?

  • Perhaps it is your 2nd child that yells all the time.
  • Maybe it is that bossy co-worker you have to see everyday.
  • Or is it your teen with the attitude?
  • It could be people you have to deal with for different reasons such as your neighbors, family members, or the other parent to your children.
  • Or it could be you just aren’t sure what direction to take right now in life. You are looking for solutions.

Quick fixes with magical results are everywhere. Don’t believe me? Take a look at any magazine, Internet ad, TV commercial, or all the hype on social media. Want to get rid of those extra pounds—take this pill. Want to have “a flat belly”—do this exercise. Want a “new kid by Friday”—read this book.

The problem is none of these quick fixes are quick nor are they magical. Everything requires the person using these products to do something. With the diet pill comes exercise and watching your food intake. Things like a flat belly; buns of steel, and a new kid by Friday all require you to take an active part in solving the problem.

There is another quick fix and magical solution I’d like to introduce you to. “Hold fast” to the Lord. Recently I’ve faced some challenges of my own. Just wasn’t sure what direction to take or even how to address some issues. I happened to be reading the book of Deuteronomy and time and time again I came upon the words, “hold fast” (4:4; 10:20; 11:22; 13:4). It was always in reference to holding fast to the Lord our God. I still don’t have all the solutions but I am holding fast to the Lord and in that I feel very confident and comfortable.

Whether you are facing a minor irritation or a major life changing action “hold fast” to the Lord. This solution also requires something from you and that is

“It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep him commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him” Deuteronomy 13:4 (NIV)


This was republished with permission. To read more from Linda, visit or 

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  • As an author, speaker, trainer, program developer and children’s ministry director, Linda has assisted countless single parent families and church workers by modeling and acting on the healing love that she has found in Jesus Christ. Currently she serves as the DivorceCare for Kids Ambassador, Children’s Ministry Consultant at her own church, and leads a single parent Bible study.