What If Your Team was Challenged to All Move Towards the Same Goal?

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Ever notice how your team is working exceedingly hard, but pulling in different directions? How would your job feel if your team was challenged to all move to the same goal?

When your entire ministry team comes to one conference to learn, dream, and grow together you can be sure the office will feel the impact for years to come.

At the D6 Conference, you will hear over 50 of the top family ministry speakers. Robby Gallaty will challenge you to rediscover your discipleship model. Brian Haynes will bring the clarity you need to build bridges between the church and the home. And Jim Wideman will help you think differently when it comes to successfully parenting over the long haul!

Instead of walking away from a conference feeling overwhelmed, the D6 Conference will inspire your team to get on the same page when it comes to equipping church leaders and empowering parents. Your ministry will be blessed as you incorporate Deuteronomy Chapter 6 into every day of the week. You will be encouraged as you network with other people building God’s Kingdom. And your soul will feel refreshed as you spent time worshiping, studying and learning how to intentionally impact every generation.

Over the years, I have been personally challenged with many impactful takeaways. Ron Hunter taught “The Slinky Dog is about leadership. Point the way, stretch and let the back catch up.” Robby Gallaty taught the KISS Method of evaluating: Keep, Increase, Start, Stop. And Christina Embree helped us all understand, “Brushing your teeth can become discipleship. Parking far away can be discipleship. Hearing sirens can be discipleship.”

If you are looking to grow as a Christ follower, spouse, parent, and pastor then I encourage you to join us in Greensboro, NC for the 2018 D6 Conference!

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  • Corey Jones is the executive pastor for the next generation at Southern Hills Christian Church in Georgia and strives to be an opportunist, learner, and helper. His goal is to live his life for the One who gave him life. To read more from Corey, visit his blog (www.coreyrayjones.com).