When They Ask

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When your son asks you in time to come, saying, “What do the testimonies and the statutes and the judgments mean which the Lord our God commanded you?”
– Deuteronomy 6:20

Do you ever wonder if your kids are watching and listening as you continue to pour into their lives on every level? Whether you are teaching them every day information like how to do their own laundry or how to drive a car or maybe teaching them positive work ethic or helping build confidence within them to do something they really enjoy. As parents, we are in a constant state of teaching and many times we don’t even know it. From birth until they are grown and out of the house, our job doesn’t end. (And even then it doesn’t end, it just changes.) Then, there are the times where we try to teach them the Word of God and we may be met with blank stares or they may be horsing around in the living room during family devotion time. In our house, this is not unusual. Give me ten minutes for a family devotion and it can turn into a wrestling tournament.

Don’t be discouraged parents! You are normal and your desire for your children to know and love the Lord is so important. I encourage you to read the Scripture above again. I’ve read Deuteronomy 6 many times, but this verse really jumped out to me the most as I sat here soaking it up today. What would make this son even ask his father about the testimonies? It says, “in time to come, he asked.” Your children are watching you. They see you read the Word. They see you worshipping at church. They see you seeking to serve others over yourself and ultimately, they see Jesus in you. That’s my desire as a parent; for my children to see Jesus in me and ask questions. I want them to be curious. I want them to allow the Holy Spirit to move in their lives and to be used by Him.

We have five children. Three out of the five children know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. The other two are still asking questions and learning. I pray daily and many days multiple times that the Lord would continue to pursue them and create questions within them. I also want them to be comfortable asking questions. I don’t know everything about Scripture and I want them to know that’s alright because we continue to learn and seek God until the day He calls us home. So, as I read this Scripture, I’m reminded that even though sometimes as their mom I feel like they aren’t listening, asking questions, seeking His will, or maybe even trying to skip out of church, that ultimately the Lord will use our daily obedience to prompt them in their own time.

I can only imagine the father in the Scripture and the smile on his face when his son asked him about these things the Lord had said. It makes me smile as I stare at the pages of the Bible and as I anticipate the Lord drawing my own children closer to Him and in return, them coming to my husband and I wanting to know more. Lord may my life reflect you in such a way that it draws not only others to you, but my own children! May I live my life the same behind closed doors as I do in public. May I show Your love and be filled with Your fruits. I want to reflect You, Jesus!

My prayer for you today is that 1) you know and love the Lord, and 2) that your children will also come to know the Lord. I pray that your family will be a mighty front in the battles we face here on earth. I pray you, along with your family, will be willing and obedient in sharing the love of Christ with others around you. You see, it doesn’t stop at home.

The harvest is ready, but the workers are few.
– Matthew 9:37

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
– Proverbs 22:6

Parents, your labor is not in vain! Keep up the good work. May the Lord continue to work in your heart and lives today.

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  • Samara Ashley is a pastor’s wife, mom, and co-founder of Gaining Ground Ministries. She is passionate about sharing her story about brokenness and how God has used it for His glory. She is the author of Broken to Blended: Encouragement for Blended Families. Samara lives in the mountains of North Carolina with her husband and five children.