Developing Good Bible Reading Habits

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The Bible is the most important and most published book in history. The world’s top-selling book has the ability to change your life when you read it, study it, and apply it. You are reading this article because you want to learn some good Bible reading habits. Here are a few things you may find helpful.

1. Have a plan. There are many Bible reading plans online, on the Bible app, and even printed Bibles divided into daily readings. Search online for “Bible reading plans” and you will find many plans that will help you read through the various sections of the Bible in a year or whatever plan works for you. You can spend a few days or weeks studying the life of a Bible character, read the 100 most important Bible stories, and more. The Bible app (YouVersion) is available for most phones and tablets. It is a free application that has the Bible in many languages and translations. You can choose from hundreds of plans and even invite people to read a plan with you. Turn on the notifications to get a daily reminder to read your Bible. Many printed Bibles, especially study Bibles, have a Bible reading plan printed in it. The plan may have dates or might just have a box beside each chapter for you to check. Some Bibles are published specifically to help people establish and keep good Bible reading habits. Many people enjoy using the One Year Bible: The D6EveryDay curriculum devotional magazines include a Bible reading plan for the entire family.

2. Make an appointment. Every new habit takes discipline. One tip that might help you is to decide when you want to read your Bible each day and make an appointment with God. If you use a physical calendar, write it down. If you use an electronic calendar, type it in and set an alarm. Determine a time that works well for you. Some popular choices include first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, in the evenings with your spouse or family, or right before bed. You may find that you enjoy using an audio Bible. The Bible app has this available for free. Some translations include an audio option on their app as well. You can also find audio Bibles online, in Podcast form, on YouTube, CD, and tape. Many people listen to the Bible while getting ready in the morning or during the commute to school or work.

3. Get some tools. If you are establishing a Bible reading habit, you will probably need a few things in addition to the Bible. A notepad and pen, Bible highlighters and pens that won’t bleed through thin Bible paper, access to a Bible dictionary, and Bible handbook. If you are using a study Bible, you may not need the dictionary and handbook because many questions will be answered in the notes. There are special highlighters and pens that some people find helpful when making notes in their Bibles. You can find these at bookstores and online. Having a notepad and pen nearby is a good tip for any reading, especially the Bible. You can write down things you have learned. Questions to explore later, words to look up, a verse to memorize, and more.

4. New habits require time. All new habits take time to develop and reinforce. It is important to keep your habit each day. This helps make it a part of your daily routine. It is also a good idea to tweak your new habit so it works for you. If you planned to read the Bible each night, but cannot stay awake, try a different time. You want this time with God’s Word to be special, memorable, and efficient. Congratulations on making a new commitment to regularly read the Bible! If you find these tips helpful, share them with a friend. May the Lord bless you as you spend time in His Word each day.

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