• Corey Jones is the executive pastor for the next generation at Southern Hills Christian Church in Georgia and strives to be an opportunist, learner, and helper. His goal is to live his life for the One who gave him life. To read more from Corey, visit his blog (www.coreyrayjones.com).

Recalibrate: A Review
Recalibrate: A Review

Your plate is full and you feel busy, but is your plate full of the right things? Are you busy for the sake of being busy, or are you actually carrying out God’s calling for your life? For your sanity, and for the sake of your church's future, you need the clarity of...

What If Your Team was Challenged to All Move Towards the Same Goal?
What If Your Team was Challenged to All Move Towards the Same Goal?

Ever notice how your team is working exceedingly hard, but pulling in different directions? How would your job feel if your team was challenged to all move to the same goal? When your entire ministry team comes to one conference to learn, dream, and grow together you...

3 Ways to Focus on God’s Presence this Christmas
3 Ways to Focus on God’s Presence this Christmas

If you’re like most people alive today, Christmas is a scheduling nightmare with parties, pageants, purchasing of presents, and preparing pastries. You know that Christmas should be a time of prayer, peace, and the presence of God but every year seems to become more...

Why Your Team Needs to Break Away From the Daily Grind
Why Your Team Needs to Break Away From the Daily Grind

With so many pressures all weighing in on you at the same time, how could it be even possible to break away? It might seem like taking a few days away from the office would cause everything to crash down, but maybe this time is exactly what you need for your team to...

How to Create a Better Foundation for Lifetime Change
How to Create a Better Foundation for Lifetime Change

You have set goals, made promises, and worked to change, but unfortunately, you find yourself in the same place day after day. Why do we get stuck in a rut, repeating the same mistakes despite a true desire to be different? What if our thoughts hold the key to create...

4 Stories of Messy Leadership (And Why You Need It)
4 Stories of Messy Leadership (And Why You Need It)

There was a time in your life when someone gave you the opportunity to try what you are currently doing. Maybe they saw a glimmer of hope or maybe you just asked to help, but someone opened the door to messy leadership and allowed you the opportunity to fail. In...

How to Have a Successful Family Service
How to Have a Successful Family Service

Imagine the entire church family coming together to worship God. Both young and old, standing shoulder to shoulder with the same teaching and shared experience. Creating a family service that appeals to all generations is possible. With a little planning and a lot of...