D6 Blog

Rethinking Discipleship for the Next Generation

Rethinking Discipleship for the Next Generation

Change can come about in several different ways. Some things change naturally and over time, like the aging process. This type of change sort of creeps up on us. Other change comes about due to a crisis. For instance, on the positive side, the birth of a child or grandchild can alter family routines and interactions. On a more negative side, a near fatal heart attack can cause a person to make changes in lifestyle and diet. As a professor, I often see change in the maturity level of students...

The Destruction of Apathy
The Destruction of Apathy

“A sleepy soul is already an ensnared soul. That soul that will not watch against temptations will certainly fall before the power of temptations. Satan works most strongly on the imagination when the soul is drowsy.” —Thomas Brooks   The Cambridge Dictionary...

Healing After Loss
Healing After Loss

One thing we all have in common is that at some point in our life we will face profound loss. How do we help people in our church deal with loss? When we talk about something like loss, we are stepping into the idea of caring for others. Many of us grew up thinking...

Six Reasons for a Weekly Marriage Meeting
Six Reasons for a Weekly Marriage Meeting

What is the one thing my wife and I do for our marriage every week? It’s something we calendar; it’s something we plan for in advance, and it’s something we make a high priority in our marriage. While I wish the answer were weekly date night, the real answer is just...

Coaching Your Child to Be An Encourager
Coaching Your Child to Be An Encourager

Words (and actions) have the power to encourage or discourage. How can you help your child be one who lifts others up instead of tearing them down? Run a relay twice to explain the meaning and importance of discouraging/encouraging words. Gather paper cups, a bucket...

For the Glory of the Lord (Not the Self) in Parenting
For the Glory of the Lord (Not the Self) in Parenting

Have you noticed? We are now living with the consequences of the most “me” focused culture in our known history. Discovering Self, becoming Self, identifying Self, promoting Self, taking Selfies, glorifying Self, adoring Self, and fulfilling Self takes priority over...

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Organizing. Budgeting. Shopping. Planning. Wrapping. Stressing. It’s easy to let the busyness of Christmas overpower the reason why we’re celebrating in the first place. It can be nearly impossible to find time to thank God for sending His Son when our culture demands...

Thankful Pumpkin
Thankful Pumpkin

November. The month we set aside to celebrate thankfulness. While, yes, as Christians, we should most definitely be thankful day in and day out, 365 days a year. But as a mom, I wanted to find something tangible for my children that would make this time of...

My D6 Conference Experience
My D6 Conference Experience

“You never really leave a place or person you love, part of them you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind.” – Author Unknown This quote can sum up the D6 family conference perfectly. The D6 Conference is a place I have grown to love in just two short...

Helping Our Children Influence Culture
Helping Our Children Influence Culture

As Christians, we often wrestle with questions concerning the state of our world and the role our faith plays out in our culture. Research shows we are gaining converts but losing influence. How do we influence the culture we live in when so many are opposed to our...

Shining Light for Discipleship
Shining Light for Discipleship

A message from one of our D6 Conference sponsors  “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the...

D6 Conference 2022 Recap
D6 Conference 2022 Recap

Participating in the D6 conference is one of my favorite events of the year! The Bible tells us many times to remember. For me, D6 always helps me remember why I got into ministry in the first place and why families are so important. Here are a few of my favorite...

How to Have Heart-To-Heart Talks
How to Have Heart-To-Heart Talks

“Daddy, can we talk?“ Upon hearing this question parents may wonder, Is this a ploy to avoid bedtime? Or it could create concern that something awful might be revealed. But having faith conversations and heart-to-heart talks can be as normal as eating every day. When...