What Goes Together? While riding in the car, play the game of things that go together. One person will say an item and the others will try to think of something that goes with it. For example, the item might be hot dog. What goes with it? (Keep in mind this is very...
You Have a Purpose! Items Needed: Assortment of objects (kitchen utensils, items from the bathroom, and cleaning supplies) Lay all the items on a table and invite the children to sort them into categories. Ask them to explain why they chose certain categories. One way...
Follow the Command! Give simple commands for your children to follow. Hop on one foot at least 7 times without putting the other foot down.Rub your belly and pat your head at the same time.Touch something blue.For the next 20 seconds, high five your siblings as many...
What Is Wisdom? Items Needed: Index cards God is the author of wisdom. We must follow His plan for our lives and live wisely. Do a wisdom search. Write each letter of the word wisdom on an index card or piece of paper—you might even want to make a different colored...
Choose! Play a game called Choices. Stand in the middle of the room and tell the children you will give them two choices. They will go and stand on the side of the room to indicate their choices. (If you like , go the left side, pointing to the left. If you like _, go...
Go and Find Play Sardines, a variation of Hide and Seek. Choose one person to hide while everyone else closes their eyes and counts to 25. When the counting is completed, each person searches for the hider. When someone finds the hider, he or she doesn’t say anything...
Eggs-Citing Items Needed: Plastic Easter eggsStrawsBowlsBasketSpoons Keep the celebration going! No one knows for sure why we associate eggs with Easter, but some say the egg is a symbol of new life. Just as new life emerges from an egg when the chick hatches out,...
The Price is TOO High Announce a fun event (movie night, ice cream run, etc.) When you arrive at the special destination, announce that anyone who wants to participate must pay a certain amount of money (an amount bigger than they could pay). Talk about how the price...
Balloons and Scripture Items Needed: A balloon for every two peopleBible Read Galatians 5:25 together as a family. Practice saying the verse a few times. Instruct each person to find a partner. Blow up and tie a balloon for each pair. Give each pair a balloon and have...
But Why? Items Needed: Slips of paperPencilsTwo small bowls Play a game called Why? with your children. Gather several slips of paper, pencils, and two small bowls. Give each person two slips of paper and a pencil. Ask them to write a question that starts with why on...