Fear Not! Spend some time talking to your child about things you were afraid of when you were younger and things you are afraid of as an adult. Allow them to share their fears with you also. You might want to talk about some common phobias as well (claustrophobia,...
Puzzled Spend some time working on a puzzle as a family. Be sure to choose a puzzle that isn’t too easy, is a little challenging, but not impossible. As you work to put the puzzle together, talk about what makes puzzles hard and confusing. Be sure to encourage and...
Is It Easy or Hard? Read some of the actions below (or make up some of your own) and ask the children to decide whether the action is hard or easy to do. Ask them to move to one side of the room if they think it is easy or to the other side if it is hard. Some...
What do you spy? During a family night activity or while riding in your vehicle, play a game of “I spy.” After everyone has had a chance to “spy,” talk to your child about the spies Joshua sent into Jericho and how Rahab protected them when she hid them from the...
Oh, No! A Wrong Reaction Do a simple experiment to show how our anger can grow and hurt others. Items Needed: Cup or glass; liquid dishwashing detergent; 2 tablespoons of baking soda; vinegar; red food coloring (optional); baking pan (or do this in the sink) Fill the...
Do You Have Faith? Make ice cream to illustrate that taking action shows we have faith. Items needed for each person: 1 tablespoon sugar1/2 cup milk or half & half1/4 teaspoon vanilla6 tablespoons rock salt1 pint-size plastic food storage bag (e.g., Ziploc)1...
Let’s Talk Hard Times After dinner one night, spend some time as a family discussing trials. Explain to your children that trials are difficult times we experience and the hard times we face in our lives. Take a few minutes to share a trial you faced this week and/or...
Shadow of the Real Thing Items Needed: Chalk in several colors; sidewalk or driveway; early morning or late afternoon sun Make shadow drawings with your kids. Head outside to a sunny smooth spot. Help your kids find their shadow. (Move arms and legs to see the shadow...
The Bridge Do a simple object lesson to help your kids understand the holiness of God. Line up all the kids side by side facing you. As you share a list of sins, ask them to take one step back if they have ever committed that sin. (For example: If you’ve ever told a...
Who Gets 1st Place? Run some different races to see who wins first place. (An optional idea is to buy 1st place ribbons, which can be found at a dollar store in the party section.) Some ideas: Who can toss the most pennies (or marshmallows) into a bowl in a minute?Who...